The Dominion of Death
Romans 6:9
Our verse states that after Jesus was resurrected from the dead that death has no more dominion over him. In this sermon we will look at death as a physical event, a place, a person, and a state of being to see how Jesus defeated them all.
Death can be several different things:
1) Death as a physical Event (Luke 24:46)
- Here we see Jesus physically dying on the cross. The physical event of death is usually what comes to mind when we hear or read the word dead. This one is easy for us to understand.
2) Death as a place (Revelation 1:8 ; 20:13)
- Here we see that death and hell are both places to which Jesus Christ has the keys since his resurrection from the dead.
- Psalm 9:13 and Job 38:17 show us death has gates which makes sense since Jesus Christ has keys.
3) Death as a person (Revelation 6:7-8)
- This is the fourth seal being opened and the rider of the pale horse is called Death.
- Somehow this connects to Satan and the anti-christ but not sure of all the specifics (Hebrews 2:14 ; Hebrews 9:11)
4) Death as a state of being (Ephesians 2:1-8)
- Before salvation a person is said to be dead in trespasses and sins.
Jesus Christ defeating all of these:
1) Jesus defeats physical death (Luke 24:1-12 ; Romans 6:9)
- Jesus’ resurrection from the dead defeated the physical event of death.
2) Jesus defeats the place of death (Acts 2:25-31 ; Revelation 1:18)
- Here we have an opportunity to look at Jesus Christ as our propitiation. This means that he appeased God’s wrath regarding sin. This shown to us in Isaiah 53:9-13. Note how that it is his soul that is an offering for sin and was poured out unto death. This is done while he was in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights.
- Once resurrected he as the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18) therefore he defeated death as a place.
3) Death as a person (Colossians 2:15 ; Hebrews 2:14-15)
- Jesus defeated the devil who had the power of death and he makes a show of the principalities in doing so.
4) The state of death (Ephesians 2:1 ; Hebrews 2:15)
- This was stated earlier as the state that man is in before salvation. When Jesus defeated death he made it possible for us to defeat the state of sin that we are in through faith in Jesus Christ. As a result we are spiritually resurrected and in heaven with Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-8).
With the fact that Jesus defeated all the different forms of death this gives us a new insight on 1 Corinthians 15:50-57.