How to Study the Bible (Part 2)
2 Timothy 2:15
In the first part of this series we saw that the first step toward studying and learning the word of God was to consistently read the word of God. Once we have a regular pattern of getting the word of God in our hearts and mind through reading then we can begin to meditate on God’s word (Joshua 1:8) and truly begin to study his word.
In this lesson we will focus on the role of the Holy Spirit in studying and learning God’s word as well as begin to establish some simple guidelines to use when studying the word of God.
The Holy Spirit and the Bible:
We know that God is the author of his word. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are all one and we have seen the Holy Spirit’s role in God’s word (2 Peter 1:19-21). When it comes to interpreting a written work the only one truly capable of knowing what is meant is the author. Therefore the Holy Spirit is the interpreter of God’s word, which is why Peter says there is no private interpretation.
How does the Holy Spirit interpret God’s word? (1 Corinthians 2:9-14)
The Holy Spirit will show you what is meant by comparing spiritual things with spiritual things (hence, scripture with scripture). This is why it is imperative that you read the word of God daily. The more familiar you are with the word of God the more the Holy Spirit can recall to your mind other verses that go with or explain the one you are studying. Remember this is what Jesus said this would be one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26 ; John 16:12-15).
Guidelines for Studying God’s Word:
Now that we have established the main principle for how the Holy Spirit will interpret God’s word to you (scripture with scripture), we will give some other guidelines that you must use when studying the word of God. We will start here and continue them into the next lesson.
1) Never add to, subtract from, or change God’s word (Deuteronomy 4:2 ; Proverbs 3:5-6 ; Revelation 22:18-19)
- It is better to not understand God’s word than to alter it.
2) Use the Bible to define the Bible
- Examples (Jonah 1:17 with Matthew 12:40 ; Ephesians 2:1 with Numbers 16:30-33)