Example of Timothy, 2 Tim 3:15

Example of Timothy

I was asked by a fellow in Australia why there were not more young people going to the mission field and staying when they got there. We can probably answer that question best by studying the example of Timothy.

Upbringing – 2 Tim 3:15.  “From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures”.  Timothy didn’t just memorize a few verses to win an award in his Bible club.  He “knew” the holy scriptures.  And they had produced in him an unfeigned faith that was evident in his grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice, 2 Tim 1:5.

Discipleship – Acts 16:1.  When Paul arrived in Derbe and Lystra he found a certain disciple there named Timotheus.  This young man was not just a member of the local congregation, he was a disciple.  He was following Christ.  And, as a result, he was “well reported of by the brethren”. This young man was doing something with the faith he had.  This is the example of Timothy.

Mentorship – Acts 16:3.  “Him would Paul have to go forth with him”.  Paul took this young man with him.  So, he was able to  learn everything he could from listening to, watching, and working with Paul.  This was on the job training.  You can study the various things that Timothy was able to do while working with Paul.

Instruction – 1 & 2 Tim.  The first and second epistles are among the pastoral epistles in the New Testament.  These were Paul’s written instructions to Timothy for the ministry.  And Timothy followed them.  Notice that he was still a young man, 1 Tim 4:12.

Office – 2 Tim 4:22 postscript.  Timothy was ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians.  Timothy was able to accept this responsibility because all the way back to his childhood he had been preparing for this work.

The reason more of our young people aren’t going to and staying on the mission field is evident, when you consider the example of Timothy.  They aren’t going through these steps.  Bro Rick Sowell became a member of the United States Army Special Forces (Green Beret) because this is something he wanted to do ever since he was a child.

We need to instill in our youth at home and in church the great joy and honor of and need for serving in the Lord’s army.  We can’t do this if all we’re worrying about is keeping them entertained while they’re at church and out of trouble while they’re at home.  Let’s follow the example of Timothy.