What Does The New Testament Say About Giving?

What does the New Testament say about Giving?

2 Corinthians 9:7

It is true that tithing is not found in the Pauline epistles but as we see in the verse for our lesson there is a command to give. In this lesson we will look at this verse and the context surrounding it in order to gain some insights on giving during the Church Age.

What about the tithe?

Many will argue that the tithes was part of the Old Testament Law so it is done away with after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is true that the tithe is a part of the Law but tithing was started before God gave the Law to Moses.

In Genesis 14:18-20 we see that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek who was the priest of the most High God. (If you are unsure about the way Genesis reads, see Hebrews 7:1-4). So, the first time we see the tithe it is given to a man who is a type of Jesus Christ before the Law, interesting!

The tithe was 10% and it was taken off the top. When we think about the reasoning for a percentage it makes sense, a percentage is the same for everyone. If you make one hundred dollars or a million dollars 10 percent is 10 percent. Therefore if you are going to practice tithing today it should be 10% off the top before anyone else gets a part (this would be before taxes).

Our command to give:

When we look at 2 Corinthians 9:7 we see three conditions connected with our giving.

1) As a man purposes in is heart

  • We must ask ourselves what is our purpose in giving? Is it out of gratitude for what God has given us?

2)  Not grudgingly or of necessity

  • The only reason we have what we have is because of God. Whether we inherit, earn, win, or build ourselves it is God that put us in the position to do so or gives us the ability in the first place.

3)  Cheerfully

  • It will be a lot easier to give cheerfully if we think of what we have as belonging to God and not ourselves.

From this verse I believe that if a person gets with God he will purpose in his heart what he is to give and we should do it cheerfully as the verse says. We must use the conditions of the verse above to help us to focus on the how to give and then the what to give will come into focus.  Also if we look at 2 Corinthians 8:11-12 it will be based on what you have not what you do not have.