The Harvest John 4:35-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Why are we supposed to enter the Harvest?
Because of the wages (John 4:36) – The work is hard, and God wants you to have the rewards of your labor. Matt 20:1-13 describes God’s pay rate. In Lk 19, the parable of the pounds, those that were faithful with their master’s investments were granted authority.
Because of the fruit (John 4:36) – Winning souls is the goal of working, the end product. Not only does God want you to gather fruit, but he wants that fruit to remain. Many people will not tell others how to be saved. In addition, you could bring your family and friends to Jesus Christ.
Because of the Joy (John 15:11) – Many Christians are not serving God because they are finding joy in worldly things. But when a crop matures and is harvested, there is great joy. God promises joy if we work in the harvest.
Because of other men’s labors (John 4:37) – Other people are working to win souls. Some plant, some water, and some reap. If your part is missed, that soul may not be saved.
Are you going to damage the work of all the saints because you won’t commit your time, effort, and money to the harvest? It takes thousands of people to reach the millions of lost souls.