Honour the Son John 5:17-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
The Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus because he had broken the Sabbath and because he claimed to be God‘s Son. Jesus had shown them that he hadn’t broken the Sabbath, but they accused him anyway. The point is that all men should honor the Son because:
He did God’s work (John 5:17) — Jesus came here to do God’s work, most importantly dying on the cross. In John 9:4 Jesus said that he must do the works of the one who sent him. John14:10 says that the words that Jesus spoke weren’t his, but God’s through him. In Luke4:17 and Matthew 11:3-5 Jesus proved that he was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophesies about him.
He is equal with God (John 5:17) Jesus Christ is God and is equal with God the Father. 1 Timothy3:16 shows that God was manifest in the flesh on earth. This was Jesus Christ. Many modern Bible versions take the word “God” out of this verse, thus attacking the deity of Christ.
He was loved by the Father (John 5:20) In Matthew 17:15, God said, “This is my beloved Son, hear ye him.”
He was instructed by God (John 5:20) Jesus had assurance that everything he said was correct because he received it from God. In John 7:14, Jesus’ doctrine wasn’t his, it was God’s. He didn’t learn the doctrine from man (Isaiah 50:4).
He has the power of Life (John 5:21) Jesus said he was the resurrection and the life Jn 11:25-26. If a man wants to live forever, all he has to do is ask Jesus for that life.
He has the power to judge (John 5:22) Jesus is ordained of God to be the Judge of the entire world. Acts10:42 tells us to preach and testify that Jesus is the Judge of the living and the dead.
Conclusion: John 14:1 tells you that if you believe in God you are to believe in Jesus, as well. Most religions don’t honor the Son as well as the Father. Give Jesus the honor due him.