But There Is a God in Heaven, Dan 2:28

There is a God in heaven.  You’re going to hear about him tonight.

In Daniel 2, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were slated to be executed because the wise men in Babylon could not tell King Nebuchadnezzar his dream and the interpretation of the dream.  Daniel was able to convince the king to delay the execution and assured the king that he would show him the interpretation.

Then Daniel and his friends prayed and the Lord revealed the secret of the dream to Daniel in a night vision.  When Daniel approached the king, he said, “The secret which the king demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king; But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets…”

God did something that no man-made god and no human being could do.  He made known the dream and the interpretation thereof.  In so doing, not only did he reveal the prophecy concerning the major world rulers from Nebuchadnezzar to Jesus, but he also spared Daniel’s life, the lives of his companions and the other wise men in Babylon.

You are going to face circumstances in your life like Daniel did that are insurmountable and overwhelming, and when you do, just remember what Daniel said, But there is a God in heaven!

Because there is a God in heaven:

He secures your salvation – Eph 2:6.  You’re already seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.  The devil cannot get up that high.  The Lord is far above all principalities and powers.  When you are feeling overwhelmed about your salvation, be sure that there is a God in heaven and he will never let you lose your salvation.

He secures your treasure laid up above – Matt 6:19-21.  Anything you send ahead will be there when you get to heaven.  The rich young ruler in Lk 18 could have given his wealth to the poor and kept it in eternity.  Instead he kept it and lost it all when he died and went to hell.  Whatever you “lay up” you lay up for “yourselves” and thieves cannot break through and steal.  When you are overwhelmed about what to do with your wealth just remember that there is a God in heaven and he will protect everything you place in his trust.

He assures his love for you – Rom 8:33-39.  He is above everything and everybody in the universe and so nothing underneath the heaven can adversely affect God’s love for us.  You can get so overwhelmed by the hardships down here that you will question God’s love for you.  No matter how bad the trials, distresses and conditions might get, you can be sure that there is a God in heaven and he will never quit loving you.

He assures his presence with you – Heb 13:5.  He said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”.  He is unique in that he can be up there and down here, simultaneously.  He is always right there with you through everything you endure in this life.  All you must do is turn to him like Daniel did and he is right there to provide you with whatever you need to handle the problems and troubles that you face.  Just like he was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.