Acknowledge Every Good Thing, Philemon 6

Acknowledge Every Good Thing

In Phile 6, Paul wrote Philemon “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”.  In this text, we will learn to acknowledge every good thing that’s in us in Christ Jesus.

First, we should learn what the verse is saying.  We’ll do this by defining some words and cross referencing some scriptures.

Communication – the act of imparting, conferring, or delivering, from one to another.

Communication of thy faith – not knowledge, opinions, or money but faith.  See Lk 5:18-20.  Jesus saw “their” faith, and thus forgave and healed the man.  Tony preached, “What has your faith done for others”.  See Matt 8:7-13.  The Centurion’s faith resulted in his servant’s healing.  See Matt 15:22-28.  The woman of Canaan’s faith resulted in her daughter being made whole.

Effectual – producing the effect desired or intended.

How does the communication of our faith become effectual – by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Acknowledge – to take notice of with particular regard. See Mk 14:3-9.  Jesus said, “she hath wrought a good work on me”, v.6.  “she hath done what she could”, v.8.  Do you see the faith involved in this? v.8.  Jesus said, “she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying”.  No one else in the room had any idea to do something like this.  They just ridiculed her.

What good thing in Christ was in Philemon?  v.5 love and faith toward Jesus and all saints.  v.7 Paul said, “the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee”.

How about Timothy?  1 Tim 1:5, 2 Tim 1:5, unfeigned faith that is in thee.

How about the Thessalonians?  1 Thes 1:3 your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Notice in 2 Thes 1:3-4 that “your faith groweth exceedingly… charity of everyone one of you all toward each other aboundeth… your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure”.  What they had in them was growing and maturing.

Do you see how Paul acknowledged the good things in them?  His desire was not to puff them up but to help the communication of their faith to become effectual.  And they were to acknowledge every good thing that he acknowledged.

It is beneficial to acknowledge every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus, not for pride and vain glory, but for encouragement and for effectuality.

To acknowledging every good thing lifts you out of discouragement.  We get down on ourselves so often, as Bible believers, because we continue to fall short of what we know we can be in Christ.  We must remember that we’re not in our glorified bodies, yet.

I encouraged a lady when she couldn’t think of one good thing in her.  She acknowledged that her prayer for the saints (communication of faith to God) was a good thing.  She acknowledged that her ministry to children (communication of faith to kids) was a good thing.  And to this day, she still does them and they are effectual.

To acknowledging every good thing keeps you from seeking a greater ministry than God wants you to have.  Mary anointing Jesus before his burial was a small thing by comparison to the great ministries of the disciples.  But it was such a big deal that the Lord said. “Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her”.  (I just told it again)

A lady came for counsel recently.  We acknowledged the good things in her ministry to ladies, her prayers, her faithfulness, and her willingness to always help.  These are very BIG things to God.

We should acknowledge that there is a good spirit in this church.  The missionaries who visited recently said so.  They were encouraged by your good spirit and love and genuine interest in them, their families, and their ministries.

We should acknowledge that our giving to missions and prayer for the missionaries are good things.  The communication of your faith by giving to a new missionary widow and to a missionary who’s work has expanded to another church are effectual.  The widow wept for joy.  She couldn’t find the words to express her gratitude.

The missionary wrote in response to your gift, “Oh wonderful.  Thank you.  That will be a great step forward in this project,  I really appreciate your prayers, your reading our prayer letter and your help and engagement with the Lord’s work here.  I pray you and the church there will be blessed as you have blessed”.

The communication of your faith through hospitality is fabulous.  You went to great lengths to make such fine preparations for the meals and fellowship in the recent missions conference.  It may not seem like much to you, but you truly refreshed the saints.

So, acknowledge every good thing like Paul told Philemon.  You should be encouraged to communicate your love and faith which you see that the Lord has put in you for his glory.  You help others and refresh the saints when you do.