Unconditional Election, Is 42:1

Unconditional Election Is 42:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As taught by Calvinism, Unconditional Election is the doctrine that says God chose from before the foundation of the world whom he would save and whom he would damn, regardless of whether they want to be saved or not.  However, by studying the...

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Total Depravity, Gen 6:5

Total Depravity CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Total Depravity is the doctrine that teaches that man is born with a nature that is alienated from God and is in rebellion against God.  The total man is depraved and he will, therefore, never seek God or choose Jesus Christ, by his own free...

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God is Merciful, Deut 4:31

God is Merciful Deut.4:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is merciful to Israel.  Deut 4:31 says that the Lord thy God is a merciful God.  Israel enjoyed God’s mercy as long as they were willing to go along with what the Lord said.  When they repeatedly and stubbornly disobeyed him, he...

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God is Just, Deut 32:4

God is Just Deut. 32:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is just.  Deut 32:4 says, “… a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.”  Is 45:21 says, “… a just God and a Saviour; there is none else.” As a just God, the Lord demands justice. ...

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God is Love, 1 Jn 4:8

God is Love 1 Jn 4:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is love [1 Jn 4:8, 4:7, 4:19].  Love is his very essence and the reason behind redemption, Jn 3:16.  Christ loved the church and gave himself for it [Eph 5:25].  And once we have received Jesus we are inseparable...

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The Book of Life, Phil 4:3

Phil 4:3 The Book of Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on the book of life concentrates predominately on when names are written in the book of life and why some are blotted out.  The lesson is outlined according to the various questions about the book of life that are...

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I Shall Send Thee, Jer 1:7

I Shall Send Thee Jer. 1:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer. 1:7 the Lord said to Jeremiah, Thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee…”  We are ambassadors for Christ and must go where we are sent.  The Father sent Jesus to this world [Jn. 20:21].  Jesus sent...

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Diligent, Deut 19:18

We are going to study five references in the Bible where the word diligent appears.  There are more places than these where the words diligent and diligently appear.  However, these five verses will help us identify five specific duties in our lives in which we must be diligent. Diligent inquisition...

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Why Depart From Evil, Job 28:28

Several times in your Bible, you find the phrase, “Depart from evil”.  In the context of four of these references, you can see the reason why we should depart from evil. Understanding – Job 28:28.  To depart from evil is understanding.  This verse has a two-pronged application.   First, when...

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The Perfect Sacrifice, Heb 10:1-25

In Heb 10:1-25, Paul writes that Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice for sins for ever.  There is no need for any other sacrifice for sins. The Imperfect Old Testament Sacrifices, 10:1-4 Under the law, which was a shadow of good things to come, the priests offered sacrifices year by...

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