A Blessing Counted A Curse, Prov 27:14

A Blessing Counted A Curse Prov. 27:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 27:14 says, “He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.” The motive for a man, who rises early to bless his friend with a loud voice, is...

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How Do You Handle Anger, Prov 14:29

Anger is a natural emotional response, as are other emotions like sadness, and joy, and loneliness, and fear, etc.  According to Paul, it is possible to be angry and sin not, Eph 4:26.  However, more times than not, anger is a loss of temper, and therefore sin.  And because it...

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The Sinners’ Delight, Ps 62:4

These are the things in which sinners delight.  We’re studying these in their chronological order as they appear in the Bible.  The Sinners’ delight is in:  Lies – Ps 62:4 – Jer 6:10 they have no delight in the word of the Lord.  Jer 5:30-31 they would rather hear someone...

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The Saints’ Delight, Ps 37:4

These are the things in which the saints should delight.  The saints’ delight should be: The Lord – Ps 37:4 – “Delight thyself in the Lord…”. You delight in the Lord by loving him [Matt 22:36-37]; by knowing him [Phil 3:10]; by fellowshipping with him [1 Jn 1:3]; by praying...

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The Lord’s Delight, Is 42:1

Today, we are studying the Lord’s delight.  We want to know what they are so that we can please him.  If you are a husband and you know that your wife delights in flowers or chocolate, for instance, you’ll be inclined to bring her some fresh flowers and some delicious...

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Search Me O God, Ps 139:23-24

David said, “Search me O God”.  He asked the Lord to search his heart and try his thoughts.  He wanted the Lord to see if there was any wicked way in him.  He wanted the Lord to lead him in the way everlasting.  He wanted to be in the best...

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Jesus Christ Our High Priest, Heb 7:22-28

This sermon from Heb 7:26 is about Jesus Christ our High Priest. He is far greater than any other priest. In the Old Testament the Jews had priests that offered sacrifices for them in the temple.  Among the priests there was a high priest.  Not only did the Jews have...

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After The Order of Melchisedec, Heb 7

In Hebrews 7 Paul explains how Jesus Christ is a high priest who is greater than the Levitical priests who descended from Aaron.  Jesus Christ is a priest after the order of Melchisedec, v.1-3, Ps 110:4.   This is significant because: Melchisedec was a king, v.1-2.  His name means King...

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Thy Word is Settled, Ps 119:89

Thy Word is Settled Ps. 119:89  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO About God’s words, Ps 119 says, thy word is settled in heaven, it is true from the beginning, it is pure, and it is a lamp and a light.  From the verses containing these statements we learn some wonderful things...

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The Benefits of Affliction, Ps 119

The Benefits of Affliction Ps. 119 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Benefits of Affliction are seen in Ps 119.  Often in affliction we only see the suffering and trouble.  Look for the benefits. Affliction can lead you to salvation through God’s words – Psalm 119:107 – I am afflicted very much:...

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