Do These All The Day, Ps 25:5

There are just a few places in our Bible where we find the phrase “all the day”.  These verses give us instruction on what we should be doing everyday throughout the day. Actively wait on the Lord – Ps 25:5.  To wait on the Lord is to attend as a...

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Be Not Afraid of Their Faces, Jer 1:8

Be Not Afraid of their Faces Jer 1:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jer 1:8 says, Be not afraid of their faces.  The Lord had a very important job for Jeremiah to do.  Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations [Jer 1:5].  He was going to have to stand...

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Two Kinds of Witnesses, Prov 14:5

With God, things are absolute.  A person is either saved or he’s lost.  There is no in between.  He’s either a child of God or he’s a child of the devil.  There are no other spiritual families, no matter what religion he claims to be.  He’s either going to heaven...

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The People Murmured, Ex 15:24

The People Murmured Ex. 15:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Moses had led Israel out of Egypt and through the Red Sea.  Now they faced a little hardship; the water was too bitter to drink.  Rather than cry out to God for help and direction on what to do about it,...

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The Prating Fool, Prov 10:8

According to Prov 10:8, the prating fool shall fall.  See also Prov 10:10.  To prate is to talk long and idly: chatter.  Websters 1828 defines prate as to talk much and without weight, or to little purpose.  To run on.  A prating fool talks so much he can’t or won’t...

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Assemble Together in Church, Heb 10:25

According to Heb 10:25, we are to assemble together in church, and so much the more as we see the day approaching. If Auré were to minister in Réunion Island, would it be necessary for him to gather new believers to assemble together in church? When we were in Réunion...

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Prince’s and Peoples Ordinances, Ezek 46

Ezek 45:18-46:24 cover the cleansing of the sanctuary, the reconciling of the house, the offerings for the feasts, and the prince’s and peoples ordinances. Cleansing of the sanctuary v.18-20 cleanse the sanctuary with a bullock in the first month on the first day.  The priest shall put the blood of...

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God Did It, Prov 16:4

Some people believe that all the bad stuff that happens in the world is all the devil’s fault.  But there are times when God does it.  And when he does, he always has a witness so that the people affected can keep from being destroyed by the evil that he...

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Bear The Iniquity, Ex 28:38

Bear The Iniquity Ex. 28:38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The mitre with the plate of pure gold was on Aaron’s forehead that he might bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Israel hallowed in their holy gifts.  Today we want to study what is meant by bear...

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Mischief, Ps 140:1-2

When you study the Bible, you can check the verses where certain words appear to develop a topical lesson.  One such word that lends itself well to a topical study is the word “mischief.”  Mischief is a specific injury or damage caused by a person or other agency; a cause...

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