The Next Step, 1 Sam 20:3

The Next Step 1 Sam 20:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David said, “There is but a step between me and death.”  It’s what you do with the next step that will determine the course of action you take or the outcome of the decisions you make.  The next step is crucial. ...

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Have They Lost Their Mind, Dan 4:33-34

Have They Lost Their Minds Dan 4:33-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question raised in this sermon is simply, Have they lost their mind?  When rulers of countries rule contrary to God they lose their minds and manifest their loss in a variety of ways.  We’re going to look at...

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For the Birds, Prov 1:17

For the Birds Prov 1:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Birds are an often used metaphor in the Bible.  So, the title of this message is “For the Birds.”  We are going to look at references to birds only in Proverbs and see what we can glean from these metaphors.  There are...

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Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy, Eph 4:26

Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy Eph. 4:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 4:26 Paul says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.”  So there is an allowance for anger.  The point is that at times anger is an appropriate response to something wrong.  Look at Jesus in Mark 3:5.  He...

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Military Strategies, Jud 20:8-35

Judges 20:8-35 Military Strategies Click title to listen to the radio broadcast In this passage, which we have already studied, are some interesting military strategies that we need to consider which are both practical and spiritual. The troops need to be united – v.8, 11 – Israel fought as one man.  There...

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A Teachable Spirit, Jn 8:28

In Jn 7:15-16, when the Jews questioned Jesus’s knowledge by asking, “How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me”.  Then in Jn 8:28, Jesus explained how he learned his doctrine.  He said, “as my Father...

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Keep Your Flesh In Check, Rom 2:15

Keep Your Flesh In Check Rom. 2:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you were to follow the appetites of your flesh all the time, you would kill yourself trying to please your insatiable appetites [Jas 1:14-15].  Fulfilling your fleshly desires provides temporary pleasure, but you must keep feeding your desires in...

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There is a Snare, Prov 29:6

Prov 29:6 says, “In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare.”  You want to be very certain to stay away from transgression because of the snares.  In transgression: Evil men snare you – Prov 1:10-18 – men will entice you to join them in sin.  But the...

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Sin Lieth at the Door, Gen 4:7

Sin Lieth at the Door Gen. 4:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, sin is personified – sin lieth at the door – he is like a booger man lying in wait outside of your door to pounce on you when you come out – he is your living enemy...

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Fruitful As A Tree, Jer 17:7-8

Jer 17:7-8 says that a man who trusts the Lord will be fruitful as a tree planted by the waters.  When we think of trees planted the waters around here, we think of river bottoms.  The San Antonio river bottom was home to many families of freed slaves after emancipation...

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