Mount Seir, Ezek 35:1-15

Ezek 35:1-15 is the prophetic judgment of Mount Seir.  Mount Seir, Gen 36:8-9, is where Edom dwelled.  The Lord gave Mount Seir to Esau for a possession.  Esau hated his brother, Jacob.  Edom was confederate with Ammon and Moab in an attack against Jehoshaphat in 2 Chr 20:10.  In 2...

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The Sovereignty of God, Is 40:12-28

The Sovereignty of God Is 40:12-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This message on the sovereignty of God is not about Calvinism.  This message is about God’s sovereignty in other matters besides salvation.  Certainly, he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  There are those...

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The Greatest Friend of All, Jn 15:14

The Greatest Friend of All John 15:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been preaching a good bit on friends the last few days and indeed we need good friends.  But lest we overshadow the greatness of Jesus Christ as the greatest friend of all, we need to preach about him...

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Humble Prayer and Supplication, 1 Ki 8:54

Today we begin a short series on prayer and supplication.  These words occasionally appear together in your Bible.  And in the verses where they appear, we see an interesting truth unfold.  There are some things that you can do WITH prayer and supplication whereby you know that God has heard...

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How To Make Friends, Prov 18:24

How To Make Friends Prov. 18:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 18:24 says that you must shew yourself friendly – in other words, when you are a friend it shows – show your love, show your care, show your generosity, show your thoughtfulness, show your gratitude – your friendship is...

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An Adulterous Woman, Lev 20:10

An Adulterous Woman Lev 20:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often when the subject of adultery is preached, the pastor gets on the men about committing this sin.  But today we are going to have fair balance.  This lesson is about the adulterous woman, exclusively.  There have been incidences of adultery...

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Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening, Jn 10:10

Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening Jn. 10:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are often asked why God allows evil in the world.  Why do bad things keep happening?  A radio listener called last week and asked, “Why does Jesus allow all the beheading and baby killing to go on?”  These...

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Consider These Things, Too, Matt 6:28

In an earlier sermon we preached Consider the Lord is God. In addition, you should consider these things, too. Consider the lilies of the field, Matt 6:28.  The lilies of the field are more glorious than Solomon in all his glory.  God does that.  Therefore, seek ye first the kingdom...

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Consider The Lord Is God, Deut 4:39

Today we are going to see four things that you should consider.  To consider is to fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination.  You should: Consider the Lord is God.  Ps 8:3-9, consider the work of his hands.  He created us and everything in the heavens...

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Woe To The Shepherds of Israel, Ezek 34

Ezek 34:1-31 is a prophecy against the shepherds of Israel.  These shepherds are rulers of Israel.  Other references to shepherds of Israel include: 1 Ki 22:17, Micaiah’s prophecy to Ahab when he “saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd”; and Ps 80:1, Asaph’s...

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