Witnessing to Jehovahs Witnesses, 1 Cor 1:18-21

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses 1 Cor. 1:18-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jehovahs Witnesses are so well versed in defending their beliefs on hell, works salvation, and the differences between Jesus and God that you are essentially wasting time arguing with them about these matters.  When you argue about these things, they...

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Everyone Was Responsible, 1 Chr 22:19

In 1 Chr 22-27, when David prepared for the construction of the house of God, he organized everything and everyone in his kingdom for Solomon to begin to build and rule.  Everyone was responsible. Notice all these occupations: 1 Chr 23:3-5, the Levites set forward the work of the house...

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Virtue, Lk 6:19

In this sermon we’re going to discuss virtue.  Virtue is strength.  It is that quality of physical bodies, by which they produce effects on other bodies.  In a literal sense you can speak of the virtue of plants in medicine.   So, in Lk 6:19, Jesus said virtue had gone...

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King of Tyrus, Ezek 28:11-19

In Ezek 28:11-19, the Lord addresses Satan in the king of Tyrus, in the same way that Jesus addressed Satan in Peter in Matt 16:23.  What God says to the devil in this lamentation against the king of Tyrus begins with the devil’s creation. The Devil Before His Fall When...

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Giving Him Thanks, Lk 17:11-19

From Lk 17:11-19 we learn some important things about giving the Lord thanks.  When the ten lepers were healed and only the Samaritan turned back to give him thanks, we see that thanks is more rare than it is common.  In v.17 only one of the ten thanked him.  Thanks...

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Daniel Purposed in His Heart, Dan 1:8

Daniel Purposed in His Heart Dan.1:8  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Daniel 1:8 says, “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might...

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What Good Works, Titus 3:8

Paul wrote Titus that we are to be careful to maintain good works. The obvious question should be what good works are we to maintain? Titus 3:8 “This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be...

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The Prince of Tyrus, Ezek 28:1-10

Prophecy Against the Prince of Tyrus In Ezek 28:1-10, Ezekiel prophesies against the prince of Tyrus.  This man is the ruler in Tyre who who dies when the city gets destroyed in Ezek 27.   The Prince’s Heart is Lifted Up, Ezek 28:1-5 In v.2 the prince lifted up his...

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Too Poor To Count, Lk 21:1-4

This message should encourage you if you think you are too poor to count.  Some people would probably attempt to do more for God if they thought that what they can contribute to the work of God would make a difference.  But they don’t try because they think their contribution...

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Passing Out Tracts

Passing Out Tracts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gospel tracts are small publications containing the gospel.  They range in size from small leaflets to small booklets.  They are relatively inexpensive, the better ones will definitely get read, and you can carry quite a few in your pocket or purse to hand out...

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