Love the Lost, 1 Thes 3:12

The most effectual ministers of the gospel are those who love the people to whom they are ministering.  This love is not merely human love; it’s the love of God.  And it was most apparent in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Not only did he dearly love his...

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The Path of Life, Ps 16:7-11

In Ps 16:11, David wrote, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life”.  Today, we are going to discuss this path. The Lord Will Shew You the Path of Life When You: Follow His Counsel, Ps 16:7.  David wrote, “I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel”.  David...

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The Destruction of Egypt, Ezek 30

In Ezek 30:1-26 we will study the destruction of Egypt.  The prophecy has a two fold application.  It was fulfilled, in part, when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt after he attacked Judah.  And it will be ultimately fulfilled at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   v.2 Prophesy Thus...

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Jonathan’s Love For David, 1 Sam 1:26

In 2 Sam 1:26, David said of Jonathan, “thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women”.  In Jonathan’s wonderful love for David we find an example of what our love should be for Jesus.  Jonathan was a soldier and David was over the men of war.  Likewise,...

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Coupled With Humility, Prov 22:4

Four times in the Bible you see something coupled with humility.  There is a richer blessing when you humble yourself and do this other thing that we will discuss tonight. Fear of God coupled with humility – Prov 22:4.  1 Pet 5:5 says, “God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace...

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Anticipating Christ’s Coming

In Sunday school we discussed the devil’s involvement in world affairs and the Bible believers’ need to watch what God is doing, instead.  In this sermon we’ll now discuss what those who are anticipating Christ’s coming should be doing. To do this, let’s see what some of the folks were...

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The Devil’s Opposition, Lk 2:1-3

In the accounts of the birth of Christ, we find an obvious influence of the devil, in the affairs of men, to oppose the coming of Christ. Look at these evidences of the devil’s opposition. Caesar’s world tax – Lk 2:1-3.  This raiser of taxes is typified in Dan 11:20-22...

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Celebrating the Birth of Christ, 1 Cor 15:3-4

Celebrating the Birth of Christ 1 Cor. 15:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christmas for many of us is a fun time of year – our families get together, we enjoy some good fellowship with our friends and church families, we send cards and presents to our friends and families and so...

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Withhold Not Good, Prov 3:27-28

There are times when we hear of people in great need.  And in those times that we have the wherewithal to help meet the need, God wants us to help.  He said, “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due”, Prov 3:27-28.   What is good that we...

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The Political State of the Union, Prov 28: 2

The Political State of the Union Prov. 28: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Book of Proverbs gives you some really good information on what is going on in the U.S.A.  As a congressman in Washington, D.C., said, “The incentives in Washington are for good men to do bad.  The...

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