Renew Your Mind, Rom 12:2

Rom 12:2 says, “.. be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”.  To renew is your mind is to make new, to transform, or to change your mind. Renew Your Mind You are transformed by the renewing of your mind, Rom 12:2. ...

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The Lord’s Indignation, Ezek 22:13-31

In Ezek 22:13-31, Ezekiel prophesies of the Lord’s indignation upon Israel.  In this lesson, we will study the three main reasons the Lord pours out his indignation upon Israel.  And under each reason, we will see what he does when he deals with them. The Lord’s Indignation Upon Israel The...

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Take Heed What You Hear, Mk 4:23-25

Jesus said, “Take heed what ye hear”, Mk 4:24.  What you listen to will affect you and your relationship to the Lord.  Things you hear will either strengthen your faith in God’s words or cause doubt.   What you hear can strengthen your faith. When you listen to the words...

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The Empty Seat, 1 Sam 20:14-18

This sermon is titled The Empty Seat. In 1 Sam 20:14-18, David and Jonathan met before the new moon to discuss whether Saul would attempt to kill David.  Jonathan agreed that David should not sit with the king for the new moon meals just in case Saul intended to kill...

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Peter’s Denial, Matt 26:31-35

In Matt 26:31-35, when Jesus told his disciples that they would be offended because of him, Jesus knew by the scripture and by his understanding what they would do.  The Scripture he quoted is Zech 13:7.  Wee see his understanding of men in Jn 2:24-25 “…he knew all men, And...

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The Bloody City, Ezek 22:1-12

In Ezek 22:1-12, Ezekiel pronounces the abominations going on in Jerusalem, the bloody city.  And he proclaims that her time has come and her days have drawn near to be punished.  In v.2, the Lord asks, “Wilt thou judge the bloody city? Shew her all her abominations”.  This is just...

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Abundant in Goodness, Ex 34:6

When the Lord passed by Moses he proclaimed that he was the Lord… abundant in goodness.  When Jesus replied to the rich, young ruler’s greeting, he said, “None is good, save one, that is, God”, Lk 18:18.  Our God is the only one who is good.  And not only is...

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Faith in Prayer, Lk 18:1-8

This message is about our need of faith in prayer. In Lk 18:1-8, Jesus spoke a parable to his disciples to the end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.  This parable is about a woman who came to a judge so he would avenge her of...

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Harden Not Your Heart, Ps 95:8

Ps 95:8 says, “Harden Not Your Heart”.  The reference in Psalms is to the Jews who wandered in the wilderness and didn’t make it  to the land of Canaan because they erred in their hearts, and tempted the Lord.  They are an example to us to harden not your heart,...

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For Christ’s Sake, Lk 6:22-23

Our text is Lk 6:22-23.  Jesus said, “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake”.  When you follow Jesus men are going to say...

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