The Coming Desolation, Ezek 12:17-28

In Ezek 12:17-28, Ezekiel gave the inhabitants of Jerusalem a sign of the coming desolation and the assurance that it was coming sooner than they expected.  The Coming Desolation Seen in Ezekiel’s Eating and Drinking Ezek 12:17-20 In Ezek 12:18, the Lord told Ezekiel to eat his bread with quaking...

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The Fixer Upper Phases, 1 Cor 6:19-20

When Jesus saves a person, his body becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit takes up residence inside.  Yet, he never likes what he sees when he first moves in.  To him, we are like a fixer upper.  He must change some things to make us a...

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A Mother’s Influence, Titus 2:4

This Mother’s Day we will study a mother’s influence in her children’s lives.  In the Bible we see: A Mother’s Influence By Her Love A Mother’s Influence by Prayer – Titus 2:4 the younger women are taught to love their children.  Young mothers must be taught how to love their...

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A Sign of Removing, Ezek 12:1-16

In Ezek 12:1-16 Ezekiel became a sign of removing to the prince in Jerusalem and the house of Israel that was with him.  Israel was a rebellious house, having eyes and ears with which they could neither see nor hear, Ezek 12:2.  Therefore, God used Ezekiel as a sign of...

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Move On, 2 Cor 6:16

This sermon tonight is entitled Move On.   God Is On The Move Our text says ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, 2 Cor 6:16.  Notice that God walks in us.  God is on the...

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Be Ye Holy, 1 Pet 1:15-16

Be Ye Holy 1 Pet 1:15-16 says, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.”  That’s what is written in Lev 11:44, “ye shall be holy: for I am holy.”  To be holy is to be perfect in goodness and righteousness.  Holy in The Old Testament Following this command, holy things...

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The Remnant of Israel, Ezek 11:13-25

The Remnant of Israel In Ezek 11:13-25, Ezekiel learned of God’s plans for the remnant of Israel.  Though he was concerned that they would all be destroyed, God told him they would be safe and return.   You might remember from our prior lesson that the residue of the people...

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Jesus Sent a Sword, Matt 10:34

Jesus Sent a Sword In Matt 10:34, Jesus said that he didn’t come to send peace on earth. Jesus sent a sword, instead.  A sword is for cutting things, not mending them in peaceful reconciliation. The sharp two-edged sword of the word of God, in Heb 4:12, divides things asunder...

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Face to Face, 2 Jn 12

Ministering to People Face to Face In 2 Jn 12, John concluded his letter to the elect lady with these words, “Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our...

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The Good Fight of Faith, 1 Tim 6:12

Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of faith.  Whether you know it or not, we are in a fight.  And our key opponent is the devil.  One of the problems in war is insufficient or inaccurate intelligence.  Thankfully, we have good intelligence.  Paul said of the devil, our...

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