A Watchman, Ezek 3:15-27

Our lesson today is from Ezek 3:15-27.  In Ezek 3:14, Ezekiel was transported by the spirit to Telabib by the river Chebar, where those who had been taken captive dwelt.  What he saw astonished him.  And so he sat among them seven days.  There God made Ezekiel the watchman for the...

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Ministry of a Prophet, Ezek 3:4-14

The ministry of a prophet is unique.  He’s certainly not a pastor.  He’s not trying to shepherd a flock of people and establish a local ministry where he is sent. He preaches God’s words and often what he has to say is very negative.  In Ezek 3:4-14, we see some...

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Keep The Unity of the Spirit, Eph 4:3

When we trusted Christ as our Savior, we were made one with him.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are in the body of Christ and we are members of one another, Rom 12:5; Eph 4:25.  So, without a doubt, there is union.  And that union is unbreakable.  We are sealed...

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A Prophet Among Them, Ezek 2:1 – 3:3

We’re studying Ezek 2:1-3:3 in this lesson.  Ezek 2:5 says, “And they… shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.”  There are several things that we see in this passage concerning Ezekiel that are true of God’s prophets.   A prophet hears from God – Ezek 2:1-3 – God...

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Choice Silver and a Precious Jewel, Prov 10:20

Your tongue can be as choice silver and your lips can be a precious jewel.  Yet, James said that the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity… and it is set on fire of hell,” Jas 3:6-8.  Tonight we’re going to discuss “the tongue of the just,” Prov 10:20...

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A Man Void of Understanding, Prov 7:6-10

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In the Proverbs, we find the expression, “void of understanding” five times.  Studying the references containing this phrase is interesting and very instructive. So, in this sermon, we’ll look at these verses in their context and see what we can...

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Not By Sight, 2 Cor 5:7

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 2 Cor 5:7, “We walk by faith, not by sight.”  Faith is the evidence of things not seen, Heb 11:1.  It’s found in hearing the words of God, Rom 1:17.  Sight is, of course, the view you have of...

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My Spirit Faileth, Ps 143:7-8

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SESRMON In Ps 143:7, David prayed to the Lord and said, “Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth.”  When your spirit fails it’s entirely exhausted, it’s deficient, or it’s diminished.  It seems that a black cloud has just settled in above you, cutting you off...

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A Great Tempest in the Sea, Matt 8:24

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON When you find yourself sailing thorough a tempest: Remember how you got there – Matt 8:23.  They followed Jesus into the ship.  The disciples didn’t bring this storm on themselves. They got into this tempest by simply following Jesus.  When you...

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