Be Reconciled to thy Brother, Matt 5:23-24

Be Reconciled to thy Brother Matt. 5:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Without going into the doctrinal teaching of Matt 5:23-24, we can see very clearly that the Lord values reconciliation between brothers even above giving.  In the particular example of Matt 5, reconciliation with this brother is something you control because...

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The Bible versus Buddhism, Gen 1:1

The Bible versus Buddhism Gen 1: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible versus Buddhism This broadcast is is a comparison of the Bible versus Buddhism.  Some Christians are receiving some benefits in dealing with stress through meditation.  Yet, the meditation they are practicing is not the meditation you find in...

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Why Some Don’t Have Eternal Life

Why Some Don’t Have Eternal Life 1 Jn. 5: 9-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eternal life is the life of Jesus Christ.  He that hath the Son hath life [1 Jn 5:9-12].  Jesus is a gift [Jn 3:16; Eph 2:8-9].  Jesus came that we might have life more abundantly [Jn 10:10]....

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Carnal Motives for Giving, 2 Cor 9:7

Carnal Motives for Giving 2 Cor. 9:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are certainly some very spiritual motives for giving, as we saw in the prior broadcast.  These include love, willingness, affection, obedience, joy, liberality, and security.  But oftentimes, we find that giving is carnally motivated.  We want to examine the...

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Spiritual Motives for Giving, Eph 5:25

Spiritual Motives for Giving Eph 5:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many motives for giving and not all of them are good and pure.  Giving in order to be recognized is selfishly motivated in part, but the recipient doesn’t mind; universities promise recognition as an encouragement to give.  Giving to...

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Love Hate Relationships, 1 Sam 16:21

Love Hate Relationships 1 Sam. 16: 21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard the expression, “they have a love hate relationship.”  Well, the truth of the matter is, as you know, a person either loves or hates the other person.  He doesn’t have both of these feelings at the same...

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Wise Reprover; Obedient Ear, Prov 25:12

Benefiting From Reproof Prov. 25: 12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of a Wise Reprover. Reproof that is beneficial is like “an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold,” [Prov 25:12]. For reproof to be beneficial there must be a wise reprover and the one being reproved must have an obedient...

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How Will You Respond, Ps 119

How Will You Respond? When the word of God is your lamp and light, when it’s purity is making you pure, and when it’s truth is sanctifying you, how will you respond when you face: Sin. You will cease from sin.  Ps 119:9-11, 101, 133.  Your attitude toward sin changes...

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Thy Word, Ps 119:89

Thy Word Repeatedly in Ps 119, we find references to “Thy word”.  These are God’s words; not man’s words.  A woman at a family gathering after a funeral said, “I believe these are man’s words”. I told her what Jesus said, “My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent...

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The Sabbath Days, Lk 6:1-12

The Sabbath Days Throughout the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Pharisees were looking for reasons to accuse him.  One of their principle accusations was that Jesus didn’t keep the sabbath, Ex 20:8-11. In Lk 6:1-12, Luke records two instances where the Pharisees observed Jesus doing something on the sabbath that...

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