God Will Judge The Secrets of Men, Rom 2:16

Rom 2:16 says that “God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.”  Ecc 12:14 says, “God shall being every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”  How is it possible that God can judge the secret things?  God will...

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Quickened Together With Christ, Eph 2:4-10

In Eph 2:4-10, Paul wrote about being quickened together with Christ, when we are saved.  Before we were saved, we walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, who is the devil.  However, now that we are saved, we are...

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Cause Me, Ps 143:8

In Ps 143:8, twice David said to the Lord “Cause me.”  To cause is to make it happen.  He said, “Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning.”  And he said, “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk.”  By searching for the phrase “cause me,”...

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Thou Livest and Art Dead, Rev 3:1

The church in Sardis had a name that they lived, and yet they were dead.  There are so many Christians like this today.  Because we are saved, we are alive in Christ.  We are born again.  We have eternal life.  We are going to heaven when we die.  Yet, despite...

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Our Spiritual Death, Eph 2:1-3

Before we were saved, we were dead in trespasses and sins. According to Rom 5:12, death came as a result of Adam’s transgression against Gen 2:17.  When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, everything about them was affected by death.  And so,...

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God Means What He Says, Num 22:5-13

In Num 2:12-13, God told Balaam, specifically, not to go with the men who came from Balak and not to curse Israel because Israel was blessed.  So, Balaam knew, in no uncertain terms, exactly what God wanted him not to do and why.  When Balak’s men came back and tried...

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By Little and Little, Ex 23:29-30

When Israel went into the land of Canaan, they conquered the land by little and little.  God could have killed all the inhabitants in a day, but the land would have been overrun by beasts.  After four and a half years, Israel had conquered enough land that they could distribute...

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Far Above All

In Eph 1:19-23, we find some wonderful things about Jesus that show us he is far above all, like Paul said in verse 21.  He is far above all because: He is the Risen Savior – Eph 1:20 – you need a Savior.  You cannot save yourself.  Doctors, biologists, chemists,...

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Three Things Every Christian Must Know, Eph 1:15-23

This lesson covers Eph 1:15-23.  In this passage, Paul prayed for the Ephesians [Eph 1:16] to know three things every Christian must know.  We must know “what is the exceeding hope of his calling,” [Eph 1:18], “what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” [Eph 1:18],...

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Encourage Your Spirit, 1 Sam 1:15-18

There are things in your life that will affect your spirit.  And when your spirit gets down, you are in trouble.  We often think that our spirits won’t be lifted until whatever has gotten us down is resolved or is taken away.  But such is not the case.  You can...

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