Explain Jehovah in Ex 6:3

This post is a reconciliation of the statement “by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them,” in Ex 6:3.  They knew the name Jehovah.  All these people knew that name: Eve, Gen 4:1; the men in Gen 4:26; Noah, Gen 8:20; Abram, Gen 12:7; Sarai, Gen 16:2; Lot,...

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Purpose in Your Heart, Acts 11:22-24

In Acts 11:22-24, Barnabas exhorted the church at Antioch “that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.”  To purpose in your heart to do something is to become so resolved that nothing will change your mind.  For instance, in Is 14:24-27, the Lord purposed to break the...

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My Shepherd, Ps 23:1

In Ps 23:1, David said, The Lord is my shepherd.  Though he was the king of Israel, and the best king Israel ever had at that, he needed a shepherd.  With the Lord as his shepherd, he had: Contentment – I shall not want Rest – lie down in green...

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Spiritual Blessings, Eph 1:1-14

Our lesson today is from Eph 1:1-14.  In Eph 1:3, God “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”  These spiritual blessings are: We will be holy and without blame before him in love – Eph 1:4 – this is the choice that God made before...

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Walk in the Law, Ps 119:1-8

Ps 119:1-8 shows us that we are supposed to walk in the law.  This is not in the sense of keeping the Old Testament law for salvation.  To walk in the law is to walk by the faith of the words of God; to obey what God shows you to...

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Excellent, Right, True Things, Prov 8:6-7

In Prov 8:6, wisdom says, “Hear.”  We are supposed to listen to wisdom because wisdom will speak of: Excellent things – Prov 8:6 – “I will speak of excellent things.”  Excellent things are things of great value; things that are superior.   Wisdom is better than rubies – A man...

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Interested in Just One, Mk 5:22-34

In Mark 5:22-34, Jesus encounters a woman with an issue of blood on his way to Jairus’ house.  He is surrounded by a crowd of people and Jairus’ daughter is in need of immediate attention.  This is not the time for an interruption.  Nevertheless, when the woman touches Jesus’ garment...

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