Index and Overview of the Bible

Overview of the Bible Old Testament Genesis – The Book of Origins – Creation (1-2) – Adam and Eve and their genealogy (3-5) – Noah’s flood (6-9) – the division of the nations (10) – the Tower of Babel (11) – Abraham (12-15) – Ishmael (16) – Circumcision (17) Sodom...

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Kings of Judah and Israel

When you read through the books of 1 and 2 Kings, you can sometimes be overwhelmed by the names of the kings and the dates of their reigns. Often, the kings have similar names, particularly around the time that Jehoshaphat and Ahab try to reunite the divided kingdoms. Furthermore, there...

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The Greaves of Prayer, Eph 6:18-19

We have been studying the armor of God on Wednesday nights.  We have discussed the helmet of salvation, which protects us from carnality, fear and pride with a saved, spiritual, sound, servant mind.  The breastplate of righteousness, which protects us through the righteousness of Jesus Christ when we stay right...

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The Personality of the Holy Spirit Matt 1:20

The Personality of the Holy Spirit Matt 1:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In men’s Bible study last night, we taught a lesson on the personality of the Holy Spirit.  It is helpful to know the definition of the word personality when discussing this topic.  According to Webster’s New World Dictionary,...

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Take Away the Wicked, Prov 25:4-5

Take Away the Wicked Prov 25:4-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The point of Prov 25:4-5 is very plain and is thoroughly demonstrated in scripture.  Before a silversmith can make a silver vessel, he must heat the silver and remove the dross so that he is working with pure, unblemished material.  Likewise,...

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