What Can Defile Man Mk 7:14-23

What Can Defile A Man Mk 7:14-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What can defile man?  Nothing from without, entering into a man, can defile him. It’s the things which come out of him that defile man. There is much attention these days on selecting only organic foods, eating gluten-free foods, maintaining...

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Living Within God’s Provisions, Lk 22:9-13

Living Within God’s Provisions Lk 22:9-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the earthly ministry of Jesus you see that he was living within Gods provisions his entire life.  We need to learn from his example and live our lives within Gods provisions, as well.  When you consider your own...

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Comely in Going, Prov 30:29-31

Recently, I heard Joel Haynes preach on this text and apply the characteristics of these three animals and the king to Jesus Christ.  He emphasized that these four are comely “in going.”  I had missed that in my reading of this text.  Thinking about this text, I also see similarities...

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Suffering as a Christian, 1 Pet 4:12-19

Peter deals with Christian suffering in 1 Pet 4:12-19.  We’ll study, from this passage, the reasons for suffering and our responses to suffering. Reasons for suffering.  You’ll suffer: The fiery trial – 1 Pet 4:12-13 – this fiery trial could be literal like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Dan 3:6-30. ...

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Shame, Prov 3:35

Shame Prov. 3:35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To shame others is to cause them to feel the pain of having lost the respect of others because of improper behavior.  It is dishonor or disgrace.  In the Bible we find many different examples of this which should help us to understand...

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Church is the Right Place, Heb 10:25

Church is the right place to be if you are here for the right reasons.  People should come to church for one of three reasons.  And if you are here for one of these three reasons, then church is the right place for you.  Church is: The right place to...

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The Snare of Fearing Man, Prov 29:25

This morning we preached on the fear of God.  Tonight we must consider how the fear of man limits the fear of God in your life and how it bringeth a snare.  A snare is anything by which you are entangled and brought into trouble. When you fear man, before...

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Live to the Will of God, 1 Pet 4:1-11

Our text is 1 Pet 4:1-11.  Peter said “Live the rest of your time in the flesh… to the will of God [1 Pet 4:2].  To do this you must: Cease from sin – 1 Pet 4:1-4 – 1 “arm yourselves with the same mind.”  In Rom 6:11 this is...

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