A True Witness, Prov 14:25

“A true witness delivereth souls,” according to Prov 14:25.  It will help us to understand and apply this verse to our lives if we will consider the various definitions of “true” that are compatible with this verse.   A true witness is: Properly so called – he’s properly so called...

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What He Hath Done, Ps 66:16

In Ps 66:16, the Psalmist, in praising God, wanted to declare “what he hath done for my soul.”    The Psalmist is writing from “down the road” looking back on all the things God had done.  He could see the mighty hand of God in his life.  God had done...

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Be Subject To Your Master, 1 Pet 2:18-25

In 1 Pet 2:18-25, Peter exhorts servants to be subject to their masters regardless whether they are good and gentle or froward.  The conduct of a master toward his servant described in this passage is much harsher than anything allowed in the United States today.  For one thing, these are...

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Those That Oppose Themselves, 2 Tim 2:24-26

In 2 Tim 2:24-26 we are studying the seemingly unusual phrase, “those that oppose themselves.”  When you read that phrase, it sounds like they are against themselves. However, to oppose means several things.  In 2 Tim 2:25, to oppose means to set against; to put in opposition with a view...

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You’re a Treasure, Matt 13:44

Before we preach on the spiritual application in this verse, let’s examine its doctrinal interpretation.  The treasure is Israel [Ex 19:5].  The field is the world [Matt 13:38].  The man is the Lord [Ezek 16:3-8].  The Lord hides after he finds the treasure [Deut 31:17; Ps 10:1].  Jesus sold all...

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The Floods Overflow Me, Ps 69:2

The companion passage to our text in Ps 69:2 is Jer 46:7-8.  We’ll read both passages. In Jer 46:7-8 we see Egypt depicted as a flood determined to flood the earth.  This flood represents the armies of Egypt that have attacked Nebuchadnezzar, trying to destroy Babylon.  Oftentimes in the Bible...

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Christian Conduct, 1 Pet 2:11-17

In 1 Pet 2:11-17, Peter instructs us as Christians on how to conduct ourselves.  Now that we are saved, we are “strangers and pilgrims,” [1 Pet 2:11] in the earth.  We are “the people of God,” [1 Pet 2:10] citizens of “an holy nation,” [1 Pet 2:9].  Therefore, we are...

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Wise Investing, Acts 20:35

Wise Investing Acts 20:35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible contains a lot of practical wisdom.  That is, the Bible is not just a spiritual book.  It is also a very practical book.  Military leaders can learn practical war tactics in this book.  Businessmen can learn practical business management in here. ...

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Ready to Meet the Lord, Matt 24:44

In the last two weeks, we have seen the need to be ready to preach and to be ready for action.  To be ready to preach, we must first be ready to listen and ready to answer.  To be ready for action, we must be ready to pray, to give...

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The Living Stone, 1 Pet 2:4-8

Jesus Christ is a stone according to the Bible.   Jesus is a living stone – 1 Pet 2:4.  Stones are inorganic; they are mineral; they are inanimate, meaning they are not endowed with life or spirit.  Yet Jesus Christ is a living stone.  The earth was without form and...

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