David in His Youth, 1 Sam 16:17-18

We’re studying the character of David as a young man to be an encouragement to our young men to be like him.  David was Jesse’s youngest son.  He kept his father’s sheep.  When David’s three older brothers went into battle with Saul, David stayed home and kept the sheep [1...

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Your Part in The Gospel, Gal 6:8-10

When you read the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles of Paul, you see that the bulk of the preaching of the gospel was done by the men that God called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  In Paul’s epistles, you don’t see much instruction to the...

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Likewise, Ye Husbands, 1 Pet 3:7

In the latter part of 1 Pet 2, Peter exhorted servants to be subject to their masters whether they are good or forward.  In 1 Pet 3:1-6, he exhorted wives to be subject to their husbands even when they are being disobedient to the words of God.  In 1 Pet...

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Improving Your Prayer Life, Matt 26:41

As long as we are going to take the time to pray, we might as well be as effective in its exercise as we possibly can be.  You can improve your prayer life by improving your: Spiritual Conditioning – Matt 26:41 – after spending all day, and much of the evening,...

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You Are To Rule, Gen 3:16

The Bible shows you that you have some areas of your life over which you must rule.  God has set up everything in the universe under rule.  God rules over the kingdoms of men [Dan 4:32].  The sun and the moon rule the day and night [Gen 1:16].  Rulers rule...

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Why Trust God? Ps 18:30

We know that we are supposed to trust God.  Nearly every Christian who has been saved a while here can quote Prov 3:5-6.  But why should we trust him?  There are many reasons, no doubt.  However, Ps 18:30 gives us three of the best reasons.  Why trust God?  We should...

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How To Win A Disobedient Husband, 1 Pet 3:1-6

In 1 Pet 3:1-6, Peter tells a wife how to win her disobedient husband.  Disobedient husbands are “any who obey not the word,” [1 Pet 3:1].  The best opportunity she has to “turn him” is by following what Peter wrote, not by doing what she “feels” is right.  Nevertheless, whether...

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Not Already Perfect, Phil 3:12-14

Paul was an exemplary Christian.  He served God with a good conscience [Acts 23:1].  He kept his body in subjection [1 Cor 9:27].  He was careful to limit his liberty [1 Cor 10:23] so as not to offend or weaken a brother or cause him to stumble [Rom 14:21; 1...

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A True Witness, Prov 14:25

“A true witness delivereth souls,” according to Prov 14:25.  It will help us to understand and apply this verse to our lives if we will consider the various definitions of “true” that are compatible with this verse.   A true witness is: Properly so called – he’s properly so called...

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What He Hath Done, Ps 66:16

In Ps 66:16, the Psalmist, in praising God, wanted to declare “what he hath done for my soul.”    The Psalmist is writing from “down the road” looking back on all the things God had done.  He could see the mighty hand of God in his life.  God had done...

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