A Broken Spirit, Ps 34:18

There are many things in the Bible concerning the spirit of man.  One aspect of this spirit is the broken spirit.  In this sermon we’re going to discuss what happens when your spirit is broken. You spirit should be broken at salvation – Ps 34:18 – When you first get...

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Four Essentials in Prayer, 1 Tim 2:8

In 1 Tim 2:1-8, we find that prayer is essential.  In 1 Tim 2:8, we see that there are four essentials in prayer.  When you pray you must: Be instant – Paul said, “I will therefore that men pray everywhere…”.  In Rom 12:12, he said, “continuing instant in prayer.”  Prayer...

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Why They Don’t Get It, Matt 13:9-17

When you think about people’s response to the Bible, do you ever wonder why some people get it and some people don’t.  How is it that two people can sit through the same message and one comes away edified and the other mystified?  One leaves enthused and the other leaves...

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Prophesied Salvation, 1 Pet 1:10-12

In 1 Pet 1:10-12 we see that the Old Testament prophets prophesied of the salvation that we have.  They prophesied “the grace that should come unto you.”  They “testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.”  These things were revealed to them but they ministered them...

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The Lord Trieth The Righteous, Ps 11:5

According to Ps 11:5, “the Lord trieth the righteous.  To try is to put to test or trial; to prove.   When you go through something difficult in your life that puts you to the test, it’s helpful to remember that it isn’t necessarily something that an enemy is doing...

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Heating Up Lukewarm Christians, Rev 3:14-19

The illustration that God uses in Rev 3:16 to describe the lukewarm people of the church of the Laodiceans is a lukewarm beverage.  A hot beverage will naturally become lukewarm if it is not reheated.  I sometimes microwave coffee to keep it very hot while I’m drinking it.  Likewise, we...

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Religion Versus Relationship, Acts 17:22-34

In Acts 17:22-34 Paul is preaching on Mars Hill in Athens.  The Athenians were much like we are today.  They “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.”  In this passage we find that the mindsets of those who seek God through...

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Written to Strangers, 1 Pet 1:1-9

Peter wrote to “strangers” in Asia.  Paul couldn’t go there [Acts 16:6-7] but Peter did.  Some of these people might have heard Peter preach in Acts 2.  See Acts 2:9. He calls them “strangers” because when we get saved, we are “a peculiar people,” [1 Pet 2:9], “which were not...

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Die One, Comin’ Two More, Is 14:29

Years ago, at the ranch, many of the ranch hands were standing around after lunch complaining about the ranch foreman.  One of the hands couldn’t speak English or Spanish well, so he didn’t participate in the discussion.  However, when the complaints died down, he finally spoke.  He said, “Die one,...

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What Was Wrong With Balaam Num. 22:6-35

What Was Wrong With Balaam Num. 22:6-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament we see what was wrong with Balaam and in the New Testament we see what Balaam did wrong.  The New Testament identifies the way of Balaam, the doctrine of Balaam and the error of Balaam.  The...

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