Our Inheritance, Eph 4:11-18

Last Sunday we studied about the reward that we receive at the judgment seat of Christ.  We are rewarded with good and bad depending on whether what we did in our bodies was good or bad [2 Cor 5:10].  Tonight we will study our inheritance with Jesus Christ.   First,...

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Love God With All Thy Mind, Matt 22:36-38

The theme of this sermon is Minds That Turn Away From God. Certainly before you are saved and even after you are saved, your mind can turn away from God. the Bible shows us what kinds of minds turn away from God. In Matt 22:36-38, when Jesus quoted the “great...

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Israel’s Failure in Canaan, Num 32:10-12

When Israel had the opportunity to enter Canaan the first time, they encountered some problems that set them back and caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Then when they finally made it into the land, they encountered a couple more problems that caused them unnecessary grief...

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Rewarded at the Judgment Seat, 2 Cor 5:10

The judgment seal of Christ is a doctrine that we have taught several times.  We will not be dealing with the crowns or the cities over which a man may be given authority at this judgment.  Our main topic in this study will be receiving a reward. To receive is...

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Unto Whom Are You Living, 2 Cor 5:15

When you read through 2 Corinthians 5, you see four passages that will help you determine the answer to this question, “Unto whom are you living?”  Are you living unto yourself or are you living unto God?  You can tell by the answers to these four questions. Are you groaning...

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Wherefore We Labour, 2 Cor 5:1-21

In 2 Cor 5, Paul explained why he labored the way he did.  In 2 Cor 5:9 he said, “Wherefore we labour…”  There are four things that compelled him to labor the way he did and they should compel us to labor that way as well.  He labored:  For the...

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Why Love God, Deut 6:5

According to Deut 6:5, we are to love God.  But why love God?  We love God because: The law commands us to love God – Deut 6:5; Matt 22:37 – when Jesus was asked about the great commandment in the law, he replied, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God...

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Study to be Quiet, 1 Thes 4:11

In 1 Thes 4:11, Paul said that we need to study to be quiet.  In other words, being quiet is not something that comes to us naturally.  We used to call devotions our “quiet time” with the Lord.  In fact, we need to be quiet, at times.  Quietness is an...

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Increase in the Knowledge of God, Col 1:10

How are we to know God, and once we know him, how are we to increase in the knowledge of God?  He will reveal himself through:  Sight – Romans 1:18-28.  One of the first ways that God reveals himself to us is in creation.  “For the invisible things of him...

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