The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving Ps 35:18

The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving Ps 35: 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are a royal priesthood [1 Pet 2:5].  And as priests, we offer spiritual sacrifices to God.  One of our spiritual sacrifices is the sacrifice of praise which is thanksgiving offered by...

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Reproof of Life Prov 6:23, 15:31

Reproof of Life Prov 6:23, 15:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The reproofs of instruction [Prov 6:23] are also called the reproof of life [Prov 15:311].  You need reproof in order to live.  Reproofs are a vital part of life. From where do reproofs come?  Reproofs come from: The Holy Spirit –...

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Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18

Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The house of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints.  Addicted – strongly inclined to indulge in repeatedly.  Addict – to devote or surrender to something habitually or obsessively.  Earlier meaning – to give over, surrender, apply or devote...

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Paul’s Closing Remarks 1 Cor 16:1-24

Paul’s Closing Remarks 1 Cor 16:1-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the final chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul deals with the following: The collection for the saints – 1 Cor 16:1-4 – many saints in Jerusalem were poor.  Gal 2:10 remember them.  Rom 15:25-28 Paul took the gift.  2 he gave...

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Unsearchable Things of God Rom 11:33

Unsearchable Things of God Rom. 11:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many things about God that are unsearchable.  In Rom 11:33 we read about his unsearchable judgments and ways that are past finding out.  In the context of this verse, we read about God’s election of Israel and his marvelous...

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Sin and The Cross 1 Cor 15:3

Sin and The Cross CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many of the eternal consequences of sin have been dealt with at the cross of Calvary.  Take for instance, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” [Rom 6:23].  When we are...

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Two Sides to God Rom 11:22

Two Sides to God Rom. 11:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said in Rom 11:22, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God…”.  God is both good and severe.  There are, therefore, two sides to God.  Men generally only consider one side or the other.  However, God is balanced.  Notice...

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I Cannot Lk 14:20

I Cannot Lk 14: 20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “I cannot” is not an acceptable excuse with the Lord.  If the Lord wants you to do something, don’t tell him, “I can’t.”  I told right-footed kids, that I coached in soccer, to use their left foot to kick the ball.  They...

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Asa’s Rewardable Work 2 Chr 15:1-15

Asa’s Rewardable Work 2 Chr. 15: 1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Asa’s life changed when he responded to the prophecy of Azariah in 2 Chr 15:1-15.  Today, your life can change the same way.  You can do the rewardable work that Asa did if you will make the changes that he...

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