Abba Father Rom 8:15

Abba Father Rom 8:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today is Father’s day.  Those of us whose fathers are still living will call them or see them today.  Others of us may reminisce about our fathers and recall some special memories.  My father was in the Army Air Corps back in WWII. ...

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Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov 30:11

Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov. 30: 11. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Father’s Day.  It is more common today for children to dishonor their fathers than in prior generations in our country [Prov 30:11].  We see that this is a worldwide problem.  Before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, according...

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Judgments 1 Cor 6:1-12

Judgments 1 Cor 6: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul instructed the Corinthians to judge the man committing fornication with his father’s wife in 1 Cor 5.  In 1 Cor 5:12, he asked them, “do not ye judge them that are within?”  In the context of judging, he then turned his...

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Cast Your Cares on God 1 Pet 5:7

Cast Your Cares on The Lord 1 Pet. 5: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all have to deal with problems.  The key is to cast your cares on God.  Don’t let them get between you and THE LORD.  They will only get worse.  Notice the truths contained in casting your...

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We Must Endure 2 Tim 4:3

We Must Endure 2 Tim 4: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have to endure some things as Christians.  Not all these things we’re going to talk about tonight will come upon you.  But if they do, you must endure them.  How? By charity.  “Charity… endureth all things.  Charity never faileth,”...

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I Will Give You Rest Matt 11:28-30

I Will Give You Rest Matt. 11: 28-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus gave an invitation to “all ye that labour and are heavy laden.”  Until you feel the labor of life and until you feel the heavy load of the burdens of life, you aren’t looking for rest.  The world...

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For the Youth 1 Tim 4:12

For The Youth 1 Tim. 4: 12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are planning to have a bake sale tonight to raise money for the kids to go to camp and to help with their youth activities.  Well, they also need: Prayer – Matt 21:13 – the prices you’re going to...

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By Faith the Harlot Rahab Heb 11:30-31

By Faith the Harlot Rahab Heb. 11: 30-31 CLICK TITLE FOR ADUIO Everybody in Jericho died the day the walls fell down except for Rahab and her family members who were with her in her house.  The reason that they were spared is that Rahab believed in the Lord.  She said,...

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