Special Events May 2018
May 5 – Buc Days Parade Tracts – 4:00pm – City Hall May 7 – Mens and Ladies Bible Studies – 6:00pm – Modular 4
May 5 – Buc Days Parade Tracts – 4:00pm – City Hall May 7 – Mens and Ladies Bible Studies – 6:00pm – Modular 4
Walk in the Newness of Life Rom. 6: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have the idea that getting saved is about going to heaven when you die. Our 100% sure tract asks, “If you died today are you 100% sure that you would go to heaven?” I listened to a...
Divisions 1 Cor. 1: 10-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There were contentions in Corinth, as there are, commonly, in other churches, sad to say. Some folks in Chloe’s house reported the problem to Paul. The reasons for contention in Corinth are, generally, the same reasons men in other churches have problems...
Go After the Lost Luke 15: 3-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Lk 15:3-7, Jesus spoke a parable about a shepherd who, if he had a hundred sheep and lost one of them, would leave the ninety-nine and “go after that which is lost, until he find it.” That statement,...
Jonathan’s Faith 1 Sam. 14: 1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we talk about Jonathan’s faith in 1 Sam 14, we need to see what was going on in 1 Sam 13. This chapter “sets the stage” for what we are going to discuss in 1 Sam 14. 1 Sam...
What Changed the Thief Luke 23: 33-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is best to read Matt 27:35-44, Mk 15:24-33 and Lk 23:33-44 to get the full picture of what went on during the first three hours of the crucifixion. These texts cover from 9:00 [Mk 15:25] to 12:00 [Lk 23:44]...
The Testimony of Christ in Corinth 1 Cor. 1: 1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Paul’s introduction to his letter to the Corinthians, he mentions several things concerning the testimony of Christ [1 Cor 1:6] in his life and in the church. Truly, if it weren’t for Jesus Christ, we would...
Catching Hail Ex. 9: 18-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ex 9:18-34, Moses and Aaron brought the plague of hail upon Egypt. It was so bad that the men and cattle that remained in the field died. And trees were not just being defoliated, they were being broken. It was terrible;...
Aged Men and Women Titus 2: 2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Titus 2:1-3, Paul addresses the desirable characteristics of aged men and women. These are qualities that lend credibility to the things they teach younger women and men [Titus 2:4-6]. Aged men are to be: Sober – they are...
Witnesses Acts 1: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Acts 1:8, even the disciples, after all of their training and time spent with Jesus, needed the power of the Holy Ghost to witness. Witnessing is just one part of the Holy Spirit’s work in getting the gospel to the lost...