Quickened Eph. 2:1-8

Eph 2 1-8 Quickened CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You were dead in trespasses and sins.  Now you are quickened, you are alive in Christ.  But you don’t really begin to live until your old man dies.  Many Christians are like a butterfly still stuck in its cocoon.  The quicker you die...

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A Profitable Ministry 1Tim. 4:7-16

1 Tim 4 7-16 A Profitable Ministry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives Timothy some practical instructions for a profitable ministry that he should follow so “thy profiting may appear to all,” [1 Tim 4:15].  These instructions concern the minister’s: Spiritual and Physical Fitness – 1 Tim 4:7-9 – He should...

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Give Me Thy Son 1 Kings 17:18

Give Me Thy Son CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After the drought, for which Elijah prayed, the son of the widow who took care of him died.  When he did, she got mad at Elijah for calling her sin to remembrance and slaying her son [1 Ki 17:18].   The heart of this...

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The Twelve Disciples, Matt 10:2-4

Matt 10 2-4 The Disciples CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A question concerning the names of the disciples was asked recently.  He asked, “Is there a discrepancy in the King James Bible?”  The author of the question was not doubting scripture but wanted to know how to reconcile the lists of names. ...

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Giants, Gen 6:4

Gen 6:4 GiantsCLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Giants are first mentioned in the Bible in Gen 6:4. Giants are descendants of the sons of God [Gen 6:2].  They were here before the flood.  We find giants “also after that” in the land of Canaan [Num 13:33], when the spies went to...

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Continue in Well Doing Rom. 2:7

Rom 2:7 Patient Continuance in Well Doing CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Rom 2:7 speaks of patient continuance in well doing.  The context is eternal life.  A person who wants glory, honor and immortality is going to hear the gospel if he is living his life in patient continuance in well...

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Ebenezer, 1 Sam 7:1-12

1 Sam 7:1-12 Ebenezer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 7:1-12, Ebenezer is the stone that was placed for a memorial in Israel.  It is very significant because it represents the day and the battle in which the Lord helped Israel against the Philistines.  His help, though, was predicated upon...

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I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6

I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Herein lays one of the greatest promises in the entire Bible.  The Lord will never leave us or forsake us.  In its immediate context we see some implications of this verse that should change our lives.  This one statement offers...

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Effective Communication James 1:19

Effective Communication James 1:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In relationships, like marriages, effective communication is vital to understanding and happiness.  To be effective you must: Listen – Jas 1:19 you are to be swift to hear, and slow to speak. You can’t hear if you are preparing your answer rather than...

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