Strength in Adversity, Prov 24:10

Strength in Adversity Prov. 24: 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says that “if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small,” [Prov 24:10].  When we face adversity, generally, we first pray for God to remove it.  Well, the Lord usually doesn’t remove the adversity.  And...

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Neglecting the Bible, Rom 10:17

Neglecting the Bible Rom. 10:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you neglect the reading of your Bible and you neglect attending to the preaching and teaching of the Bible, you affect some very important things in your life.  Neglecting the Bible affects your: Spiritual Walk – Rom 10:17; 2 Cor 5:7....

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Bible Paradoxes, Mk 8:35

Bible Paradoxes Mk 8: 35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Recently, in a men’s meeting, a friend of mine preached on the paradoxes in the Bible. It was such an interesting message that I will repeat most of what he said in this message.  These things will help you if you...

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Head of the Corner, Matt 21:42

Head of the Corner In this passage, Matt 21:33-46, Jesus is telling the Pharisees that they are the builders who rejected the stone which becomes the head of the corner. When Jesus was on earth, the Kingdom of God was at hand, Mk 1:9-15.  Among other things, in the kingdom...

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God is good, Ps 106:1

God is Good Ps 106:1, Ps 107:1, 118:1, 118:29, Ps 136:1 say, “Praise ye the Lord, O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever”.  God is good. God has been good to us.  I met a young man recently who said, “I should...

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Mary’s Genealogy, Lk 3:23-38

Mary’s Genealogy In Lk 3:23-28 we find Mary’s genealogy and some interesting facts regarding the “line of Christ”. You may have heard that Jesus was 33 years old when he died.  We can determine his age by counting the passovers between Lk 3:23 and his crucifixion.  In Jn 1:32-34 Jesus...

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What God Enlarges For Israel, Is 5:14

What God Enlarges For Israel Is 5: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find several references to the word “enlarge.”  A number of these references deal directly with Israel.  So, today we are going to see what God enlarges for Israel.  God enlarges: The judgment of Israel –...

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Because of the Force, Jer 48:45

Jer 48 45 Because of the Force CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer 48, we see “they that fled stood under the shadow of Heshbon because of the force”. You might remember the Star Wars expression, “May the force be with you”. And you might think that somehow their is...

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Where We Need Patience, Heb 12:1

Where We Need Patience Heb. 12: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need patience. We are to run our race with patience.  Our race is an endurance race, not a sprint.  The need for patience in our Christian lives is essential in our: Finances – Prov 28:22 – if you...

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Things You Need More Than Money, Prov 16:8

Things You Need More Than Money Prov. 16: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Money is, obviously, important.  If you don’t have any, it’s sure hard to pay your bills.  But our attention to obtaining and maintaining wealth can surely obscure some other needs that are much more important than money.  These...

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