… a church with College and Career

We have a College and Career class that includes students from Del Mar College, Texas A&M Corpus Christi and Texas A&M Kingsville, and young adults starting their careers, as well. This class is regularly full because the lessons taught by Pastor Randy Knupple are very practical and very informative. This...

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The Sons of Eli 1 Sam. 2:12-25

1 Sam 2:12-25 The Sons of Eli CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 2:12-25, the sons of Eli were wicked priests.  Unfortunately, they are not unlike many men who are in the ministry today.  These young men totally abused their authority in the ministry and corrupted Israel in the process. ...

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Jewelry Prov. 20:15

Jewelry Prov. 20:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon examines godly jewelry in the Bible as it is contrasted to cosmetic jewelry.   The Lord discouraged wearing jewelry as adornment because it tends to obscure godliness by drawing attention to the outward appearance of its wearer [1 Tim 2:9; 1 Pet 3:3]...

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Stand With God Gen. 3:6

Stand with God Gen. 3:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To be highly functional in your family relationships, your work associations, your church fellowship and your friendships, you must stand with God.  That way, when something becomes too emotional, too personal, or too subjective, you can step back and go with God’s...

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The Uttermost Ps.2:1-8

The Uttermost Ps. 2:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God the Father promised his Son, Jesus, “the heathen for (his) inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for (his) possession,” [Ps 2:8].  This passage is doctrinally fulfilled in the millennial reign of Jesus.  However, there is a practical application of this verse,...

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When Covenants Apply II Rev.7:3

When Covenants Apply II Rev. 7 :3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The covenants we have been studying were all established in the Old Testament but they were not fulfilled in the Old Testament.  God covenanted with Abraham to give him and his seed the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the...

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Special Events April 2017

Apr 3 – Men’s and Ladies Bible studies – 6:00-8:00 pm Pot Luck Supper – 6:00-6:30 pm Modular 3-4 Men’s Bible Study – 6:30 pm Modular 1 Ladies Bible Study – 6:30 pm Modular 3 Apr 16 – Resurrection Sunday – 10:30 am (no Sunday school) Apr 19 – Benjamin Park –...

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Special Events March 2017

Mar 1 – Last night of missions conference – 6:30 pm Gene Sharp – Independent Baptist Media – presentation Pastor Tim Fellure – Victory Baptist Church – preaching Mar 12 – Daylight Savings Time

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Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13

Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO With our abundant life in Christ we are also given abundant hope.  This is not a hope that is based on a chance.  This is hope established on the words of God.  We have abundant hope: In eternal life – Titus 1:2 –...

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Grace Giving II Cor. 8:1-3

Grace Giving II Cor. 8:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Grace giving is what the churches in Macedonia learned and what Jesus Christ demonstrated when he came to earth.  Let’s examine the details of grace giving in 2 Cor 8.  Notice that this was addressed to a church and written about churches...

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