Esau Despised His Birthright Gen. 25:24

Esau Despised His Birth Right Gen. 25:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 25:29-34 Esau despised his birthright.  If we can see why Esau despised his birthright, we can see why Christians forfeit their inheritance with Christ.  But first we need to lay a little groundwork. Some details about the birthright....

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Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16

Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with men who reject Christ, whether they reject him before they are saved or whether they reject him after they are saved (like college students talked out of their salvation), is that: They are ashamed of the gospel of Christ...

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They Are Without Excuse, Rom 1:17-21

They Are Without Excuse Rom. 1:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Rom 1:18-21 all men have some knowledge of God.  Therefore, they will be without excuse at their judgment.  There is not a person on the planet who will be able to claim that he didn’t know God, because God...

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Effectual Prayer Eph. 6:12,18

Effectual Prayer Eph. 6:12,18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is on effectual prayer.  Sometimes we approach prayer like kids playing a game of pickup basketball.  We’re playing hard but we’re still playing, nevertheless.  It’s not like pro ball at all.  Yet in prayer, we are supposed to be the...

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Why and How God Destroys Nineveh Nah. 3:1-19

Why & How God Destroys Nineveh Nah. 3:1-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Nah 3:1-19, when God destroys Nineveh, it will be the end of the Antichrist’s kingdom.  The old city of Nineveh was destroyed in 612 BC but the references in this passage are Second Advent references and refer...

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Nineveh Destroyed Nah. 2:1-13

Nineveh Destroyed Nah. 2:1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We’ll handle the exposition of Nah 2:1-13 in a verse by verse commentary.  This passage deals with the subject of Nineveh destroyed. Nah 2:1 – Ex 15:6; Ps 2:9; Is 13:16-19; Jer 13:13-14, the dasher is the Lord though he may use a...

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A Wicked Counselor Nah.1:11-15

A Wicked Counselor Nah. 1:11-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Nah 1:11-15 we read about a wicked counselor.  It can be a little tough to follow the passage because the Lord addresses two different groups as “thee.”  Sometimes he is talking to Israel and sometimes to Nineveh, or the Antichrist from...

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The Fury of the Lord Nah. 1:1-10

The Fury of the Lord Nah. 1: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Nah 1:1-10, you are reading a prophecy about the fury of the Lord against Nineveh right around the time of the Assyrian captivity of Israel.  What Nahum describes are things that concern the Second Coming of Jesus and...

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What is Truth John 18:37-38

What is Truth John 18:37-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus told Pilate, “Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice,” to which Pilate replied, What is truth?  That’s a good question.  Things that appear to be true are often not true, at all.  They can be the exact opposite...

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The Results of Unbelief I Thess. 2:13

The Results of Unbelief I Thess. 2:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The results of unbelief are: Ineffectualness – 1 Thes 2:13 The word works effectually in you that believe.  Mk 11:23-24 unbelief makes prayer ineffectual.  In Matt 17:20 unbelief made attempted healing ineffectual.  Therefore, unbelief makes the power of the word...

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