Special Events February 2016

Jan 31-Feb 3 – Dr. Sam Gipp – 7pm Feb 10 – Annual Meeting – 8pm Feb 13 – Sweetheart Banquet hosted by Teens – 6:30pm Feb 21 – Prospective New Members Luncheon – 12:30pm Feb 27 – Mar 2 – Missions Conference – 7pm Pastor Joel Logan – Guest Preacher Mitch...

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An Hundredfold Now Matt.19:16-30

An Hundredfold Now Matt.19:16-30  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said that a man who forsook house, parents, brethren, wife or children for the kingdom of God’s sake would receive an hundredfold now in this time… with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life [Lk 18:29-30; Mk 10:29-30].  We...

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The Sins of Sodom Eze.16:49

Sins of Sodom Eze.16:49 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sins of Sodom are an example of the sins in the last stage of a cultured society. They are the sins of the United States of America. And as we see our country sinking into these sins, we don’t want to...

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Life Lessons From Unexpected Sources Matt. 18:1-4

Life Lessons from Unexpected Sources Matt 18:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In life, as we continue to learn, some of our life lessons come from the most unexpected sources.  Such was the case with Jesus’ disciples.  Jesus used some unusual people to teach them some very important life lessons.  He taught...

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Circumcision Versus the Cross Gal 6:11-18

Circumcision Versus the Cross Gal 6:11-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In closing his letter to the Galatians, Paul summed up his argument against circumcision and adherence to the law after a person trusts Christ.  Basically, the teachers that were trying to get the Galatians to follow the law after their salvation...

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Ashamed of Jesus Mark 8:34-38

Ashamed of Jesus Mark 8:34-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As our country becomes increasingly afraid to mention the name of Jesus, don’t be ashamed of Jesus [Mk 8:38].  In many public places nativity scenes and references to the birth of Christ have been removed – in many businesses, employees say “Happy...

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The Appointed Time Acts. 17:24-26

The Appointed Time Acts.17:24-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider world events, it is important to remember that God has set the appointed time for nations and events [Acts 17:26].  Certain things happen according to God’s timing and nothing or no one is going to change his timing.  In this...

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Jesus Birth Matt.1:18-25

Jesus Birth Matt.1:18-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Matt 1:18 says, Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise.  Today we’ll preach on the Jesus birth and discover his divine characteristics revealed in his birth.  In Jesus birth we see that he is: The Jewish Messiah – “Christ” Matt 1:18 –...

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Practical Spirituality for Christians Gal. 6:1-9

Practical Spirituality for Christians Gal. 6:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gal. 6, Paul explains practical spirituality for Christians. Paul already explained the problem with going back under the law after you’re saved.  His conclusion at the end of chapter 5, to remedy these problems, was for the Galatians to walk...

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