The Holy Spirit Speaks Jn. 16:13

The Holy Spirit Speaks Jn. 16:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Holy Spirit speaks.  Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you stay “in tune” with the Spirit of God so that you will hear him when he speaks.  Be filled with the Spirit so that when he speaks you won’t...

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Isaiah 44:1-28 The Superiority of God to Idols

The Superiority of God to Idols Is. 44:1-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The superiority of God to idols is seen in all of the following capacities: Creation – Is 44:2, 24 – idols are man-made; and we are God-made – Acts 17:24-29 Assurance – Is 44:2 – with idols you have superstition...

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Responsibility and Reward Prov. 3:1-10

Responsibility & Reward Prov 3: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible is a very practical book and Proverbs is loaded with life principles.  In this passage are five principle responsibilities that men have and each is accompanied by a related reward.  Fulfill this responsibility and you will have that...

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Isaiah 43:14-28 The Lord’s Relationship with Israel

The Lord’s Relationship with Israel Is. 43:14-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The most notable theme of this passage is the glaring contrast between the Lord’s relationship with Israel their refusal to turn from their sin and worship him. The Lord’s Relationship with Israel – He is their redeemer [Is 43:14; 43:1;...

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For Such a Time As This Esther 4:14

For Such a Time is This Esther 4:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Esther was able to accomplish what she did for the Jews in Ahasuerus’ kingdom because she was there at just the right time.  She was there for such a time as this.  In the Bible, we see that most...

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Special Events for July 2014

Jul 7-12 – Southland Youth Camp Jul 13 – David Owens – Argentina Jul 16 – Jon Marshall – Hope Baptist – Toledo Jul 20 – Jon Marshall – Hope Baptist – Toledo Jul 20 – Teen Service – 7pm Jul 27 – BBC, Beeville – Boatman’s Installation – 6pm

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The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57-58

The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In a call from God, his harvest must be your priority.  The priority of the Lord’s harvest takes precedence over everything else in your life. These priorities can interfere: The priority of your comforts – Lk 9:57-58 – John the...

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The Centurion’s Great Faith Luke 7:1-10

A Centurion’s Great Faith Luke 7: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text is Lk 7:1-10.  In Capernaum was a centurion who loved Israel [v.5].  His servant was dying [v.2] and so the centurion asked Jesus to heal him and he did.  About this centurion Jesus said, “I have not found...

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Isaiah 43:8-13 Ye Are My Witnesses

Ye Are My Witnesses Is. 43:8-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, the Lord reminds Israel that Ye are my witnesses that he is the LORD and that there is none else [Is 43:10].  Keep in mind, as we study this passage, that the Lord is showing you through the...

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The Right Combination Phil 4:9

The Right Combination Phli 4 :9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most important words in Phil 4:9 is the word “do.”  Paul encouraged the Philippians to “do” what they had learned, received, heard and seen in him.  In order for you to effectively do what Paul taught and demonstrated...

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