The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:38

The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:35-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mary the mother of Jesus gave us an excellent example of what mothers should do.  Notice that Mary: Submitted to the Lord – Lk 1:38 – Mary willingly became the mother of Jesus in spite of the reproach of being pregnant...

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Isaiah 42:9-16 The Lord Will Be Known

The Lord Will Be Known Is. 42:9-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many times, in the Old Testament, things are done by which everyone affected will know that God is the Lord. Both Israel and Egypt knew that God is the Lord by the miracles that were done at the Exodus. See...

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Loaded with Benefits

Many people, when applying for a job, take into consideration not only the salary but the benefits.  Some people take jobs more for the benefits than they do anything else.  For instance, a woman whose husband is self-employed may take a particular job over another one because of the insurance...

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Special Events for May 2014

May 4 – Charles Nichols, Brazil May 4 – Approved Workers Meeting – 5:30pm May 11 – Mother’s Day May 11 – Lanny Ashcraft – 4pm – Guatemala meeting May 16 – Marie Salinas and Eddie Holder – wedding – 7pm May 24 – Elizabeth Welder and Aurelien Tave –...

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Prepare to Meet Thy God Amos 4 :12

Prepare to Meet Thy God Amos 4 :12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that we are to take no thought for the morrow [Matt 6:34] and that we are not to boast of tomorrow [Prov 27:1].  However, if we live till tomorrow then we must remember that what ever we...

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Isaiah 42:1-16 A Light of the Gentiles

A Light of the Gentiles Is. 42:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Not only is Jesus the Christ, the Jewish Messiah, he is also a light of the Gentiles.  In the Old Testament, Gentile salvation is always in the context of the Second Advent and the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.  You...

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He Giveth Power to the Faint

Is 40:29 says of the Lord that he giveth power to the faint.  He can do this because he never faints [Is 40:28].  The Lord assures us that we are going to be faint.  But instead of encouraging us to pull ourselves up by our boot straps, the Lord gives...

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Isaiah 41:1-29 Israel’s Advantages Over Her Enemies

Israel’s Advantages Over Her Enemies Is 41:1-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 41 the Lord discloses Israel’s advantages over her enemies.  In v.1 the Lord invites her enemies to “come near together to judgment.”  He sizes them up in comparison to Israel and concludes that they are all vanity.  When...

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Support the Weak 1 Thes. 5:14

Support the Weak 1 Thes. 5:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Thes 5:14 says support the weak.  This could be financial support or moral encouragement.  Gal 6:2 says essentially the same thing, “Bear ye one another’s burdens.”  The idea is that each of us could use a little support from time...

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