The Superiority of the King James Bible I Cor. 2:1-4

The Superiority of the King James Bible CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on the superiority of the King James Bible shows you three things that set the King James Bible apart from all other English translations of the Bible.  The King James Bible is superior to other English translations...

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Christ Our Passover 1 Cor 5:7

Christ Our Passover 1 Cor 5:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul called Christ our Passover in 1 Cor 5:7.  By referring back to Exodus 12 we can see many similarities between the Passover lamb at the exodus and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Notice these similarities: Ex 12:3-5 “a,” “the,” “your” lamb...

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The Way of Holiness Is. 35:8

The Way of Holiness Is. 35:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Way of Holiness concerns a highway on which the redeemed will walk after the Lord returns.  It won’t be for the unclean, the wayfaring man, the lion or the ravenous beast.  It will be a way for the ransomed to...

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He lingered Gen 19:16

He lingered Gen 19:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 19, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  Lot had been living there for quite some time when the angels arrived to tell him that God was going to destroy it and he needed to leave with whoever in his family would go...

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Isaiah 40:9-31 The Greatest of All

The Greatest of All Is. 40:9-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 1:1-4, John described what it was like to see Jesus.  The disciples were looking at eternal life manifested visibly and physically where they could handle it.  This he called the “word of life” and what he SAW he declared...

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Special Events for April 2014

Apr 2 – Rich Comer – Costa Rica Apr 11-14 – Pastor Rick Sowell – KJV Conference Apr 11 – 7pm Apr 12 – 10:30am – Ladies Fellowship with Mrs. Sowell Apr 12 – 1-4pm Apr 13 – 10am, 11am, 7pm Apr 14 – 6pm Apr 13 – Pine Car...

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Parents of a Prodigal Luke 15:11

Parent of a Prodigal Luke 15:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What do you do if you find out that you are the parents of a prodigal?  This is a problem that many families face today and we need to find the answer to this question in the Bible.  Our text for...

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Isaiah 40:6-8 Withered Grass and Eternal Word

Withered Grass & Eternal Word Is. 40: 6-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, withered grass and faded flowers are contrasted to the eternal word of God.  When the Spirit of God blows on grass and flowers, they wither and fade.  When he blows on the eternal word of God...

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That I May Know Him Phil. 3:7-11

That I May Know Him Phil. 3:7-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is so much to know about God that even Paul said, That I may know him.  People are filled with misconceptions about God.  Today we hope to clear up some of these.  To know God you would also have...

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Isaiah 40:1-4 Comfort Ye My People

Comfort Ye My People Is. 40 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is commonly taught that the Book of Isaiah matches the Bible in many respects.  It has 66 chapters and the Bible has 66 books.  There are 39 books in the Old Testament and there is a definite break in...

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