A Virtuous Woman & Her Reward Prov. 31:10-31

The Virtuous Woman and Her Reward Prov 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Virtuous Woman who has a godly character, a good work ethic and is virtuous toward her husband and her children is going to definitely be rewarded for her virtue.  If you desire these rewards in your life then...

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Preparations for Jesus Return

Preparations for Jesus Return Titus 2 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should we be doing in anticipation of or in preparation for Jesus Return?  To prepare for Jesus return we should be: Looking for Him – Tit 2:13 – these days everyone is looking for the Tribulation and the antichrist and...

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The Benefits of Giving

The Benefits of Giving Acts 20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During this season of the year, people are buying gifts to give to friends and loved ones.  It is a time of giving which brings us to our text.  Paul said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  So...

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Isaiah 30:27-33 The Name of the Lord Cometh

The Name of the Lord Cometh Is 30 27-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the Lord comes back to the earth his coming will be manifested by the things that are listed in these verses.  Jesus’ coming will be manifested by his: Distinguished Names – Is 30:27 “the name of the...

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A Virtuous Woman and Her Work Prov. 31:10-31

A Virtuous Woman & Her Work Prov. 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The thing to notice about this virtuous woman is that she is a working woman.  She is on the go and starts early and works late.  You won’t find her dining out all the time, barhopping, fornicating, dancing, gossiping,...

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A Virtuous Woman and Her Children Prov. 31: 10-31

A Virtuous Woman & Her Children Prov. 31: 10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We live in a generation of children that are going further and further from the Lord and you hear many reasons for it: government schools, evolution, weaker churches, the influence of music and movies, and so forth. ...

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Change the Status Quo

Change the Status Quo CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read about John Mark in the scriptures, we find that he went with Paul and Barnabas as their minister on their first missionary journey.  But before long he defected.  When Paul and Barnabas were preparing to go on their second journey,...

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A Virtuous Woman and Her Husband Prov. 31: 10-31

A Virtuous Woman & Her Husband Prov. 31: 10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson, from Prov 31:10-31, is on a virtuous woman and her husband.  As a benefit to her husband: She’s trustworthy – v.11 – he safely trusts in her – unlike the woman of Prov 7:7-23, 27...

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Special Events for February 2014

Feb 2 – Propspective New Members Lunch – 12:30pm Feb 9 – Lord’s Supper – 7pm Feb 12-16 – Missions Conference Wednesday night – 7pm Thursday night – 7pm Friday night – 7pm Saturday morning – Ladies and Men’s Fellowships – 10:30am Saturday night – 6pm Sunday morning – 10am...

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