No Cloke For Their Sin

No Cloke for Their Sin John 15 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In John 15:22, Jesus said they have no cloke for their sin.  That’s because Jesus had come and exposed their sin to them.  According to Paul in Romans 7:17, sin dwells in you and me.  According to Romans 7:23...

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Isaiah 28:1-8 Drunkards of Ephraim

Drunkards of Ephraim Is 28 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about the drunkards of Ephraim in Is 28:1-8.  These men are “drunkards.”  When you hear that word you imagine a bum in the gutter.  But these guys are far from the gutter. They occupied prideful positions of authority...

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Capital Punishment Prov. 28: 17

Capital Punishment Prov. 28:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about capital punishment. Here is the Bible’s take on capital punishment: Ex 20:13 says thou shalt not kill. Gen 9:5-6 says if a man is murdered his death is to be avenged by his brother. Num 35:13-25 says that if...

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The Antichrist Prov. 28: 15-16

The Antichrist Prov. 28:15-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The antichrist is typified by a Lion and a Bear.  The antichrist is: The wicked ruler – also pictured as a Leopard [Rev 13:2] – he is not specifically mentioned but he is the wicked person in Prov 28:15 – in Rev 13:2-8...

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Idolatry Exodus 32:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Don’t think that idolatry ended in Exodus 32 with this golden calf.  These Israelites had just heard God speak the Ten Commandments in Ex 20 and already they were violating the first two.  Those commands are still in effect today and yet men continue...

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Confessing Your Sins Prov. 28: 13

Confessing Your Sins Prov. 28:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The beauty of confessing your sins is this – confessing sins helps you to recognize that: You still sin – Rom 7:14-18; Col2:11 (though your soul has been cut away from the body of sins) – confession helps you to keep the flesh in...

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Special Events for November 2013

Nov 3 – Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov 3 – Bryan Boatman – 7pm Nov 10 – Tim Haveman – Heritage Baptist Church, Post Falls, ID – visiting Nov 17 – Teen Night – 7pm Nov 23 – Teen Award Banquet – 6pm Nov 24 – Chris Morales Nov 28...

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Hindrances to Prayer Prov. 28: 9

Hindrances to Prayer Prov. 28: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is on the hindrances to prayer.  There are a number of things that will hinder your prayer life: Not hearkening to the words of God – Prov 28:9 Not reading them – George Mueller prayed with an open Bible...

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Evil Leaders Over Countries Prov. 28: 3-6

Evil Leaders Over Countries Prov. 28: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about evil leaders over countries.  When wicked men take charge of a country you will see the following four things: The Oppression of the Poor – Prov 28:3 – A ruler who was poor that comes to...

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They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There was no place that was without a gospel witness – in Acts 5:28, they filled Jerusalem with their doctrine – in Acts 16:20, they exceedingly troubled the city – in Acts 17:6, they turned the world upside down – I...

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