Open Rebuke and Faithful Words Prov. 27: 5-6

Open Rebuke and Faithful Words Prov. 27: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Open rebuke is better than secret love – open rebuke doesn’t cost you their love like you’re afraid it will.  Notice: Jesus openly rebuked Peter – Matt 16 but Peter loved him Jn 21 Paul openly rebuked Peter –...

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Getting Rid of Envy Prov. 27: 4

Getting Rid of Envy Prov. 27:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Who is able to stand before envy? Gen 37:11 – Joseph couldn’t [Acts 7:9] – his envious brothers sold him into slavery Ps 106:16 – Moses couldn’t – the envious Jews finally pushed him to speak unadvisedly with his lips and...

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White Already to Harvest

White Already to Harvest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 4:37, Jesus had to tell his disciples to lift up their eyes and look on the fields.  They weren’t seeing what he was seeing!  We see hair color, the fashion of clothes, the stature, the complexion, and many other outward things. ...

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Boast Not Thyself Of Tomorrow Prov. 27: 1

Boast Not Thyself of To Morrow Prov. 27: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says, Boast not thyself of tomorrow.  We are so guilty of this – always thinking about what we are going to do: Tomorrow This weekend Next month On vacation This summer When we retire You better...

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A Potsherd Covered with Silver Dross Prov. 26: 23-28

A Potsherd Covered With Silver Dross Prov. 26 :23-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is about a potsherd covered with silver dross.  A potsherd is a fragment or piece of broken pottery – dross is the worthless material that is removed from the silver when it is refined (it’s...

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Confusion CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we come to church and deal with spiritual matters, we aren’t always dealing with them the way God intended.  For instance, when people think about the Lord’s expectations in their lives they often confuse what they are doing with what he wants. They’ll confuse: Reformation...

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Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan

Leviathan Is. 27: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study of Leviathan, you will see the bodily appearance of the devil.  The devil is a spirit but he has a physical presence, as well. He is both a serpent and a dragon. Dragon – Rev 12:3 – he’s a seven...

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Four Things to Avoid in Church Prov. 26: 17-21

Four Things to Avoid Prov. 26:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Christian life, because you are associated with lots of other people in church and in fellowship, there are four things to avoid in church – these are things that plague churches – here are the four things to avoid: Avoid...

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How to Handle Fools Prov. 26: 1-12

Weapons Against Fools Prov. 26: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first 12 verses of Proverbs 26 are about fools and how to deal with them – this message is on how to handle fools – you can use any one of these tactics below or a combination of them. Don’t...

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