Special Events for September 2013

Sep 1 – Randy Knupple Ordination – 7pm Sep 1 – Deacon Installation – 7pm Sep 8 – Kristine McLaughlin – Ivory Coast Sep 15 – Prospective New Members Luncheon – 12:30pm Sep 15 – Stephen Knickerbocker – Burkina Faso Sep 22 – Baptism at the Lake – 5:30pm Sep 29...

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Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21:31  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Safety is of the Lord.  The cross reference for today is 2 Chr 20. This episode in Israel demonstrates as well as any passage or any event in history that safety is of the Lord.  We should endeavor...

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Their Lies Caused Them To Err

Their Lies Caused Them To Err CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amos said about Judah, their lies caused them to err.  When we consider how people get messed up in the world, we often find that a lie is what caused them to get off track.  Lies like evolution, religion, sales pitches...

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Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross?

Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross Matt. 27:39 50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why did Jesus stay on the cross? Jesus didn’t come down from the cross when he was taunted by the people around him: Because it pleased his Father – Is 53:10 says, “It pleased the Lord to...

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Safety is of the Lord Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord Prov. 21:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We feel safer with a strong military but a military without the Lord can be decimated by a weak military with the Lord.  We are a safety conscious society.  We have OSHA, seat belts and air bags, preventative health care...

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There is No Wisdom Against the Lord Prov. 21: 30

No Wisdom Against theLord Prov. 21:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is no wisdom against the Lord.  When it comes to making decisions at any level, this verse needs to be remembered.  There is NO wisdom, NO understanding, and NO counsel against the Lord.  If you follow wisdom or understanding or...

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Greedy Covetousness Prov. 21: 26

Greedy Covetousness Prov. 21:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here are the characteristics of a man that is greedy: He will kill to get it if he has to – Ps 17:8-12 –– Naboth and Jezebel 1 Ki 21 – Ps 17:12 Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey,...

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Oil in the Dwelling of the Wise Prov. 21: 20

Oil in the Dwelling of the Wise Prov. 21: 20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The practical application of Prov 21:20 is plain – there is oil in the dwelling of the wise – a wise man will save something of what he makes – he won’t recklessly spend it all on...

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Consider the House of the Wicked Prov. 21: 12

Consider the House of the Wicked Prov. 21:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 21:12 we are to consider the house of the wicked – that way we can learn from him – v.11 – we’ll learn not to be like the wicked. In the first part of Prov 21,...

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