Mystery, Babylon Rev. 17:1-6
Mystery Babylon Revelation 17 1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Mystery Babylon Revelation 17 1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
It is what we typically call “heaven.” In the universe, there are three heavens. But only Bible believers would know about that. It should not surprise us since the universe is predominately made up of threes. Astronomy: Sun Moon Stars Atmosphere: Ionosphere Stratosphere Exosphere Space: Length Width Depth Time: Past...
These verses show the final physical characteristics of a soul in the lake of fire. In eternity, the souls of all lost people will take on the physical properties of their father, the devil (Jn. 8:44). The devil looks like a serpent according to Rev. 12:9. So, in eternity, the...
He did it in our place. The person who asked this question really put the question a little differently. Her actual question was, “Many preachers have said that Jesus went to hell and suffered for our sins there. I thought when Jesus said “It is finished” he meant all the...
There are at least 17 things he does! The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (1 Jn 5:7) and when you get saved, there are many things that he accomplishes and desires to accomplish in your life. Of course, today, there are many Christians and professing Christians...
It’s abominable. Today, there is a lot of attention on homosexuality because of conditions like: Laws allowing same sex marriages, as in Vermont; Denominational churches allowing practicing homosexual members and/or homosexual pastors; Sex education classes in schools teaching “alternative lifestyles”; and Governmental recognition of homosexuals as a “minority” entitled to...
It is the judgment for Christian service. Many people believe that there is just one final judgment for mankind. Whoever passes this judgment goes to heaven and whoever fails this judgment goes to hell. Of course, I have found few people who can think of anyone they know that is...
It is the judgment of Christians for their service to Jesus Christ. Perhaps one of the greatest doctrinal studies, to encourage a Christian to live right, is the study of the Judgment Seat of Christ. It appears that most Christians believe the only judgment they will ever face is the...
Revelation 16 17-21 The Seventh Vial CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The seventh angel pours out his vial into the air and finishes up the plagues of God. This final plague involves a massive, world-wide earthquake and enormous hail. You will notice that the voices, thunders, lightnings and earthquake that accompany...
It is a corruption “from the simplicity that is in Christ,” (2 Cor. 11:3). Lordship salvation is a doctrine that basically says a person cannot be saved by merely believing on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31). A person must “do” more than that. He must repent of his sins,...