The Great Red Dragon Rev. 12:9
The Great Dragon Revelation 12:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage, taught by Randy Knupple, shows us some of the characteristics of the great red dragon who is the devil and Satan.
The Great Dragon Revelation 12:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage, taught by Randy Knupple, shows us some of the characteristics of the great red dragon who is the devil and Satan.
The key to understanding the passage you quoted from Ecc 9:5-6 is the small phrase “UNDER THE SUN.” That phrase occurs 29 times in 27 verses in Ecclesiastes. And it only appears in Ecclesiastes. Jehovah’s Witnesses like to use Ecclesiastes as a proof text concerning soul sleep [that is that...
You’d better be careful if you do! Many churches are currently going through 40-day Purpose-Driven Life or Purpose-Driven Church meetings. So, we have been asked on several occasions to comment on the book, The Purpose-Driven Life, by Rick Warren, published in 2002 by Zondervan. Unlike some who like to review...
Are there any problems with the Purpose-Driven Life? Yes. You have to wade through some deep lies in order to get to the truth. People who do not see the errors when reading the book are likely to believe the false doctrines and be wrong in their thinking. Here are...
No. There is a false doctrine that professes that every human being will be present to stand before God at a general resurrection in the future. This doctrine concerns the white throne judgment mentioned in Rev 20:11-15. However, while there is certainly a resurrection of the dead to appear at...
The fellow asking this question made the following statements in his email. One thing that disturbs me about your eternal security message (5-18-07) is that your view seems to be dependent on Jesus returning before the tribulation. About twelve years ago I did an extensive study and discovered that no pre-tribulation commentator would even touch...
The Grapes of Wrath CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 14:14 – a White cloud – see Mark 13:26-27, 14:62 – there are two appearances of the Lord – one to gather the elect sometime during the tribulation and one to destroy the wicked at his 2nd coming – in this passage...
No. Catholics believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church started by Jesus. They believe that Peter was the first pope because of Matt 16:18-19, that Mary was the mother of God because of Lk 1:43, that the priesthood was started by Jesus in Jn 20:23, that...
There will be another pope. This question concerns whether we are getting ready to hear the shout and be raptured out of here. A lot of people believe that the pope will be the antichrist or at least the false prophet. So, whenever a pope dies, there’s always a concern...
The 144000 in Heaven – Rev 14:1-5 In this passage of the Revelation, we see the 144,000 who were sealed in Chapter 7 now together with Christ in heaven. There are some wonderful revelations of truth associated with these men and so we will expound on these truths in an effort...