Matthew 26:57-68 Jesus with Caiaphas

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON The best way to study this passage is to compare it with the companion passages in the other gospels. That way, you get the whole picture of just what went on in the beginning of the trial of Jesus. The companion passages are Mk 14:53-65;...

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Matthew 26:47-56 The Arrest of Jesus

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON In the arrest of Jesus are veiled references to the tribulation and to the Lord’s Second Coming. It should not be a surprise to find these veiled references since Judas Iscariot, the son of perdition, will be here during the final part of the tribulation....

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Matthew 26:26-30 The New Testament

Matt 26:30 The New Testament CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Just like the Passover was a memorial by which the Jews would remember the Exodus [Ex 12:14], even so the Lord’s Supper is a memorial by which to remember Jesus’ death [1 Cor 11:24-25]. Just as the Passover in Ex 12 was...

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Matthew 26:17-25 The Betrayal of Jesus

AUDIO RECORDING OF LESSON Matt 26 17-25 The Betrayal of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This meal that was served before the betrayal of Jesus took place in the evening of the same day that Jesus was crucified. Remember that the Jewish day begins at 6 pm. Therefore, this first...

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Matthew 25:31-46 Judgment of the Nations

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON This is not the White Throne Judgment. The White Throne Judgment takes place at the end of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ in Rev 20. At the White Throne Judgment, individuals, not nations, are judged. They are judged not only according to their works...

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Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents

The parable of the talents concerns how the Lord Jesus Christ is going to determine which of his Jewish servants will reign with him during the millennium and to what extent they will reign. To best understand this parable we should simply handle it verse by verse and explain it...

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Matthew 25:1-13 The Ten Virgins

Matt 25 1-13 The Ten Virgins CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This parable of ten virgins is a picture of the coming of the Lord Jesus at the tribulation rapture. Notice: Verse 1 – virgins – these cannot represent the church because the church is a virgin [singular] 2 Cor 11:2....

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Matthews 24:42-51 Preparations for the Lord’s Return

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON Jesus tells his disciples how to prepare for the Lord’s return. These verses apply doctrinally to tribulation saints, not to church age saints. Be Watchful – v. 42 The saints in the tribulation have to be looking for the Lord’s return to see him when...

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Matthew 24:29-35 The Second Coming

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is a very obvious event when it finally occurs because everyone in the world will be able to see him. Now there are many details of the Second Advent that are revealed in this text. The Coming of the Son of Man...

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