Matthew 19:27-30 What shall we have?

In this lesson we will study what the disciples were going to receive for eternal rewards as a result of forsaking all and following the Lord. Read the companion passage in Mk 10:28-31. They would receive thrones v. 28 They will sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of...

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Matthew 19:1-12 Divorce

In this passage, the Pharisees tempted Jesus with a question concerning divorce. They figured that he would be against divorce, but they knew that Moses allowed it. So, they were using this question to trip him up with the law. Of course, their temptation didn’t work. Instead, he gave them...

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Matthew 18:21-22 Seventy Times Seven

When Peter asked the Lord how many times he should forgive a brother, he thought that 7 times would be enough. However, the Lord told him to forgive his brother seventy times seven times. What’s the significance of 490 times? Well, by studying the Old Testament we can find the...

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Matthew 18:15-20 Trespasses

This passage has to do with how to handle trespasses. The trespasses here are usually doctrinal problems that would begin to affect others in the church if they were allowed to go on or they are sin problems that have to be dealt with in order to protect the rest...

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Matthew 18:1-14 Little Children

This is a difficult passage unless you remember that Jesus was here dealing with Jews and that the things he said applied doctrinally to them. The latter part of the passage [11-14] has often been applied to soul winning, spiritually. However, it too is doctrinally to Jesus’ Jewish “little ones.”...

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Matthew 17:22-27 Crucifixion Prophecies

Jesus prophesied of his crucifixion – he gave at least 13 details – he could not have known all of these details precisely unless he were God manifest in the flesh Crucifixion prophecies – 22-23 Betrayed 22 – Matt 26:48 Into the hands of men 22 – Matt 26:47 Kill him...

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