Matthew 13:31-32 A Grain of Mustard Seed

Matt 13:31-32 A Grain of Mustard Seed CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This parable is not only applied to the kingdom of heaven, it is also applied to the kingdom of God. It has dual application, then. The parable of the kingdom of heaven show us what will happen as the antichrist’s...

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Matthew 13:24-51 Parable of the Tares

Matt 13:24-51 Parable of the Tares of the Field CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the second parable of the kingdom of heaven. This parable of the tares concerns the difference between the children of the kingdom and the children of the wicked one (13:38). Like the first parable, Jesus interpreted this...

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Matthew 13:3-9 Parable of the Sower

As we saw last week, Jesus used parables to teach the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven so that the Jews that rejected him wouldn’t be able to understand him. The disciples could understand him because they believed him. The parables he used were about commonplace things that illustrated the...

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Matthew 12:14-50 Rejection by Israel

In this rather large passage of scripture, we see the rejection by Israel, as a nation, of Jesus Christ. There were multitudes of people who were amazed at the miracles he did and the words he preached. Nevertheless, the Pharisees rejected him and then eventually turned the multitudes against him at...

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Matthew 12:1-3 Guiltless on the Sabbath

Matt 12:1-13 Guiltless on the Sabbath CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble here is that the Pharisees were trying to find a way to condemn Jesus. They were trying to catch him in a fault. The easiest way was to watch him on the sabbath and accuse him of breaking that...

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Matthew 11:16-30 If Ye will Receive the Kingdom

Jesus had been preaching the kingdom of heaven and so had John the Baptist. Jesus had just explained to the Jews that if they would receive the kingdom (vs. 12-14) then John fulfilled the prophecy concerning Elijah coming before the Lord (Mal 4:5). Hence, he was ready to set up...

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Matthew 11:12-14 John the Baptist – Elijah

Matt 11:12-14 John the Baptist – Elijah CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson simply sets out why Jesus said about John the Baptist, “… this is Elias, which was for to come,” (Matt 11:14). In order to understand this statement, it is necessary to go back beyond “the beginning” to see...

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Matthew 11:1-15 John the Baptist

 Matt 11:1-15 John the Baptist CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When John the Baptist was imprisoned for preaching [Matt 14:3] he sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus a question and Jesus used this opportunity to tell his disciples about John. In this passage we see John the Baptist’s: 1. Doubt...

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Matthew 10:32-42 Costs of Discipleship

In all of chapter 10, the Lord dealt with his disciples about preaching the kingdom of heaven, a Jewish kingdom over which Jesus would eventually rule. In the first part (10:1-15), he commissioned his disciples to preach the kingdom. In the second part (10:16-31), he warned them of the opposition...

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