Genesis 2:8-14 Eden

Genesis 2:8-14 Eden CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO GEOGRAPHY Eden can be located by the four rivers that flowed through it, and the land that they compassed. The four rivers and the land that they compassed are listed below: River Land References Pison The land of Havilah Gen. 10:7; Gen. 25:18;...

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Genesis 2:1-3 Day of Rest

Genesis 2:1-3 Day of Rest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO On the seventh day, God rested from his work. That’s not because he was worn out. Rather, he ceased his work of creation. There are two things that need to be pointed out about this day. First, it pictures the “day of...

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Genesis 2:18-25 Eve

Genesis 2:18-25 Eve CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO ANIMALS FORMED AND NAMED God formed the beasts and fowl from the ground, just like he formed Adam. Adam then named them, but none was a suitable match for him. So, God made “a woman” for him, not another man. Thus, bestiality and...

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Genesis 1:26-27 Created in God’s Image

Genesis 1:26-27 Created in God’s Image  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO THE IMAGE OF GOD The image of God is Jesus Christ (Heb. 3: 1-3; Col. 1: 15-17; 2 Cor. 4: 4). The Lord has a physical body and yet “in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily,” (Col. 2: 9)....

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Genesis 1:24-28 The Trinity

Genesis 1:24-28 The Trinity CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS In day 5, the waters brought forth the fowl and the fish. Now, in day 6, the earth brings forth the cattle, creeping things, and the beasts. Cattle include domestic animals like herds of cattle and swine, and flocks...

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Genesis 1:20-23 Water of Life

Genesis 1:20-23 Water of Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO WATER – THE SOURCE OF PHYSICAL LIFE On the fifth day, the water gives life to the fish and the fowls. This clearly shows that water is the source of physical life (Eze. 47: 8,9). Just measure the water content of the...

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Genesis 1:14-19 Two Great Lights

These verses show that the sun and the moon were created to give light to the earth, to divide the light from the darkness, and to provide signs, seasons and measurements for time. From the sun and the moon, we get signs for planting, surgery, weather, fishing, hunting, etc., and...

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Genesis 1:11 The Fruit Tree

Genesis 1:11 The Fruit Tree CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here is a great lesson from “the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself.” The fruit that trees produce can identify any fruit tree in the world because the fruit tree yields fruit after his kind. In...

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Genesis 1:9-13 Earth and Seas

Genesis 1:9-13 Earth and Seas CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Ps. 95:5, God created the earth and the seas, no matter what evolutionists teach. He made the waters under the heaven and called them Seas, and He formed the dry land and called it Earth. The seas are “gathered together...

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Genesis 1:4-31 Something Bad Out There

The second day of creation, the day the firmament called heaven is made, is the only day about which it was not said, “it was good.” 1st Day verse 4 “it was good” 2nd Day 3rd Day verse 12 “it was good” 4th Day verse 18 “it was good” 5th...

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