Integrity, Prov 11:3

Integrity means an uncompromising adherence to a code of values; utter sincerity, honesty, and candor; avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality, or shallowness of any kind.  So, it is a very comprehensive attribute. Integrity, unlike most spiritual matters, is something that lost men can have as well as saved men.  A...

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Long Life, Prov 3:1-2

In addition to being a spiritual book written by the Lord, the Bible is also a very practical book.  It contains practical wisdom, which, if followed, gives you a far better life on this side of glory.  Obeying the words of God will give you a long life, full of...

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Full, Gen 6:11

There is a pattern in the Bible that sheds light on the future of nations in the world.  God gives people and nations time to repent until their wickedness is full, and then he destroys them, when there is no more hope for their repentance.  Notice: The world in Noah’s...

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Two Attributes of God, Neh 9:16-17

Two Attributes of God Neh. 9:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we are going to discuss two attributes of God.  We are going to discuss his mercy and his wrath. The first attribute is God’s Mercy – Neh 9:16-17 – when the Jews left Egypt, God provided everything...

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Why Israel Lost, 1 Sam 4:1-11

1 Sam 4:1-11 Why Israel Lost CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After all the victories Israel had in its history up to now, it might surprise you that they lost to the Philistines so convincingly and particularly since they had the ark with them when they lost.  But there are some...

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Favor By Seeking Good, Prov 11:27

This sermon is about obtaining favor by seeking good. I have been preaching a series on favor with God.  We began this series by seeing that favor with God is one of the most notable characteristics of some of the most outstanding people in the Bible.  Jesus, Mary, David, Daniel,...

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The Mercy of God, Titus 3:5

The Mercy of God Titus 3:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will expound on the mercy of God.  God is merciful to save us from our sins.  But God wasn’t merciful with us so that we would go on living in our sin.  His mercy is not some...

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Dreams That Never Come True, Is 29:7-8

Dreams That Never Come True Is. 29:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a message over 25 years ago titled, Dreams That Never Come True.  I found the outline in my Bible and so I am going to preach it for you today.  Dreams in the Bible often come true.  The...

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Thanksgiving Offering, Lev 7:11-15

Thanksgiving Offering Lev. 7:11-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We’re studying the thanksgiving offering in this broadcast. Lev 7:11-15 contains the first mention of anything to do with thanks in the Bible.  By studying this passage we can learn much about thanksgiving and what it entails. The thanksgiving offering is a peace...

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How To Make A Change, Eph 4:22-24

Many people make resolutions at this time of year.  But frequently the resolutions only last a month or two.  Then you are back to your old ways.  This text shows you how to make a resolution stick, how to make a change that lasts. Put Off – the former conversation...

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