Essential Fear, Phil 2:12-13

Essential Fear Phil 2:12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fear of God is essential fear.  You must have the fear of God for obedience, holiness, submission, and service.  It is also essential fear for the protection of and multiplication in the church.  The fear of God is essential fear for: Obedience...

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Great Sins, 1 Sam 2:17

Great Sin 1 Sam 2:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 2:17, the sin of Eli’s sons was very great.  They caused the men of Israel to abhor the offering of the Lord.  In the Bible there are several great sins and today we are going to see what they are. ...

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Be a Witness – Aurélien Tavé

If you are saved, you have trusted what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you! As Christians, we know we ought to read our bible, pray, give, come to church, and get involved in the different ministries of the church. We are going to look at one of the...

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Pleasing God, 1 Thes 4:1

Pleasing God 1 Thes. 4:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Thes 4:1 says, “Ye ought to walk and to please God.”  This lesson is about pleasing God.  And not just about pleasing God once but abounding more and more in pleasing God. You cannot please God and be a: Self-pleaser –...

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Saul’s Downfall, 1 Sam 15:17

Saul’s Downfall 1 Sam 15:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO King Saul had four problems that caused his downfall: pride, the fear of man, envy, and an evil spirit from the Lord.  Three of these were his problems.  The fourth was given to him by the Lord as a result of the...

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Good Thoughts, Phil 4:8

Good Thoughts Phil. 4:8  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After you are saved, you must develop good thoughts.  Even if you are careful about what you are doing, or at least what other people see you doing, and you are yielded to the Holy Spirit so that he can conform you...

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Thanksgiving is the Key, Ps 95:2

Thanksgiving is the key to: Entering the presence of God, Ps 95:1-3, Ps 100:3-4 When you talk to God in your heart, you might sense that you are down here and God is way up there in heaven.  We speak of God as our heavenly Father.  The truth is that...

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Find A Man, Jer 5:1

In Jer 5:1 the Lord said, “see now… if ye can find a man”.  It just takes a man.  Israel had transgressed.  The prophets prophesied lies.  The whole nation had turned against God.  But the Lord said that if they could just find one man the executed judgment and sought...

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Folly, Ecc 10:1-15

In Ecc 10:1-15, Solomon elaborates on his wise understanding of folly. Folly in Reputation, v.1 Practically speaking, this is true.  The ointment of the apothecary can have a sweet smell, as in Ex 30:34-35.  But if a few flies die in the confection, the savor is going to stink with...

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Then Will I Hear, 2 Chr 7:14

Then Will I Hear 2 Chr. 7:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have heard much preaching on 2 Chr 7:14.  The part of the verse I like is… then will I hear.  God said that, if they do four things, then will I hear.  The four things are these: humble...

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