Our Body is A Tabernacle, 2 Cor 5:1-4

Our body is a tabernacle.  And our tabernacle is comparable to the tabernacle the Jews had in the wilderness. 2 Cor 5:1 “Our earthly house of this tabernacle”.  As the tabernacle in the wilderness was earthly and temporary, and the one in heaven eternal, so our body is earthly and...

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Resolutions, Luke 16:1-8

Resolutions Luke 16: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord commended the unjust steward for his wisdom even though he was unjust.  The Lord said that he was wiser than the children of light.  Among other things, his wisdom was demonstrated in that he said, “I am resolved what to do”...

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Favor By Understanding, Prov 13:15

On Wednesdays, recently, I have been preaching on favor with God.  Initially, we saw that we have favor by righteousness.  And then, with God, we have favor by mercy and truth.  Last week, we saw that we have favor with God by wisdom.  And today, we see in Prov 13:15,...

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Peace in the Middle East, 1 Sam 7:13-17

Peace in the Middle East CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 7:14, the Bible says that “there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.”  This is what the politicians say they are trying to accomplish in the Middle East right now; they want peace in the Middle East.  However, they...

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It Is The Lord, 1 Sam 12:6-13

1 Samuel 12:6-13 It Is The Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 6:6-13, Israel essentially rejected the Lord when they demanded a king, and by doing so missed the fact that all the time since they had been a nation “it is the Lord” that had been taking care...

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Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood, Lk 2 and Matt 2

This lesson is on the birth and early childhood of Jesus Christ from Matt 2 and Lk 2.  There is often confusion about the timing of the events recorded in these two gospels.  Some of this confusion stems from the Christmas traditions, like nativity scenes and Christmas carols.  Here’s the...

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Savior Christ Lord, Luke 2:11

The angel of the Lord announced to the shepherds that the birth of Jesus was the birth of a very special person, “a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  We are going to look at the significance of these three names. A Savior– let’s look back to the prophecy of...

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Declaration of Truth, Lk 1:1-4

There are several ways that the truth of the words of God has been declared.  The declaration of truth has been verbal, visible, written, and testified. Verbal declaration – someone heard the Lord speak.  See Jn 1:18, 1 Jn 1:1-5, and 2 Pet 1:16-21.  At Mt Sinai, the Jew’s heard...

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Pauls Objectives, Phil 3:7-12

Pauls Objectives Phil.3:7-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pauls objectives when it came to Jesus Christ were very simple.  He desired to win, know and apprehend Christ.  I’m thankful to Pastor John Robinson, of Bible Believers Baptist Church in Hillsboro, Oregon, who preached this text at a recent pastors’ conference.  It...

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